Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 1: Visiting York and arriving at Scarborough

Day 1 has been so exciting! The children are eating well and having a good time- lots of fresh air and exercise. We tried to go on the beach but the tide was in so went to plan B and had fun on the adventure playground instead. All settled now and looking forward to our cooked breakfasts.


Anonymous said...

Morning Harriet, morning All!

Hope you all slept well and are enjoying a gorgeous breakfast! It's a beautiful day here, so I hope you have a fantastic day out and about in Scarborough today. Missing you, lots of love and hugs Mum, Dad and Nick

Anonymous said...

Looks like you all had a great first day.Love the photos. Have a lovely day today seeing the sights in Scarborough, hope you've got the sunny weather.
Looking forward to your postcard. Love you lots Mum,Dad,Indi and Millie xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hope you're all enjoying yourselves. I didn't mind missing York as all my Grandparents live there and I've seen the sights before. Samuel and Ethan, I hope you are keeping our bedroom tidy and enjoying the extra space! Thanks for the comment yesterday Billy, but unfortunately I now have tonsillitis again on top of my injured ankle, so I am not feeling too well. I hope you all enjoy today.
From Thomas.

Miss. Cracknell said...

Buongiorno a tutti!
Hope the sun shines brightly for you all today and that you have enjoyed your first cooked breakfast at the Selomar - the thought makes me slightly envious!
Very much looking forward to hearing all your stories when you get back.
Ci vediamo presto,
Miss Cracknell x

Mrs. Green said...

Sorry to hear you are not feeling so well Thomas. Samuel and Ethan are missing you but their room is super tidy. Just off for breakfast.

Miss. Cracknell said...

Buongiorno a tutti!
Hope the sun shines brightly for you all today and that you have enjoyed your first cooked breakfast at the Selomar - the thought makes me slightly envious!
Very much looking forward to hearing all your stories when you get back.
Ci vediamo presto,
Miss Cracknell x

Anonymous said...

Morning Chloe,

I just sent Hannah on the bus, she keeps talking about you. The sun is blazing here, I hope it is there too!

Enjoy your cooked breakfast, I know you will!

Love Mummy, Daddy & Hannah xxx

Anonymous said...

Morning matt, hope you had a hearty breakfast, have a a fun day love mum xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi all at scarborough
hope you are having a great time.
We miss you lots.
From Libby Burbororugh

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody hope you are having a wonderful day. Love the pic's you put on the blog, hope everyone is enjoying thereselves


Anonymous said...

hi annie and all at scarbough

hope you are having a wonderful time and your advenchers are very nice and the food is lovley we miss you all!

from katie jackson

Anonymous said...

Hello everybody i hope you are having a great time its very hot here and i hope so where you are and i hope you enjoyed your breakfast.

from Sarah

Anonymous said...

Hope your having a great time in Scarborough !

from Mac cheers

Anonymous said...

Hello Briony,hopeyou having a good time atScarboroughImissyouverymuch

from mia

Anonymous said...

Hi Briony,hope you're having a good time at Scarborough,Imiss you lots. From Charlotte.

Anonymous said...

Hi dudes,
Hope u r having a great time.It is really quiet at home without Leoni because u are always the one who screams at home.

Miss u!!!

Giulia Benedetti xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,

I hope u are having a great time. It's really quiet here at school m
missing u Emily.


Anonymous said...

WOW the pictures show you are having a good time in Scarborough, I hope you didn't get bored on the bus. I am having fun in Miss Cracknall's class making a book for D.T and ART! I can't wait till you get back and im having fun with Miss Cracknall's class.

From Heather W

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody,

Hope your having a great time.Enjoy your stay.

Joshua freddie

Anonymous said...

Helo are you having fun . In the photos Tom and Alex are not in them .

hope you have a good time

from William Leggell

Anonymous said...

Hope your having a great time at scarborough!!!

see you soon!


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,
Hope you had a lovely breakfast and you are probably having a great morning outside doing the things that the teachers have planned for you.Can't wait to hear all your stories that you are going to tell us when you're back at school.Hope the sun stays with you for the whole week because the sun has been shining here.Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

Wow you look like you are having fun! I can not wait till you come back. Hope you didnt get too bored on the bus. Having loads of fun in miss Cracknell's class we are making are own book! Missing you all but still having fun with Katie Fisher and everyone else. Just can not wait till you tell me how much fun you had at Scarborough and what you did! Its just not the same without you guys hear barnack school.Missing you all freainds and all others....

Lydia xxx

Anonymous said...

Helo Josh,

Back here we are having a wandful disco.We have two backs of sweets and choclate every day[dont tell miss Green].

Hope you are having a wandful time in scarbrer.

Hope you come back soon.

from Jack.

Anonymous said...

By the way Frankie your sunflower is in the lead even before Miss Cracknells.

Anonymous said...

Hi Scarborough folks
we're having a great time at Barnack. The sun is shining.

Isobel H-E

Anonymous said...

Dear frankie,

Our sunflower is winning at a height of 11.5cm! Miss. cracknell is narrowly behind us!

from Freddie b

Anonymous said...

Dear Tom,

Our sunflower is third place.
hope you have fun.


Anonymous said...

Sorry I had to put that.


Anonymous said...

Hi Annie.
Glad you all got there safely.
Have a great week and i'll see you very soon xx.

Anonymous said...

hi Matt, hope u all having a great day, tilly having fun with her football, there is not much left of it now! enjoy your tea tonight, lots of love mum, dad, cara, holly, tilly, spit and trixi, p.s hope your room tidier there than at home xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Madeleine
The photos look great. Hope you are having a fantastic time Love Mum, Dad, Lexi, Milo and Lewis xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Madeleine, Hope you are having a good time. Love Lexi

Anonymous said...

Hi to everyone,

Hope the sun has been shining down on you all day. Enjoy this evening.

Joe Garner

Anonymous said...

Hello becky and others
Hope you are all having a goodtime, it looks like you are having fun make sure that you enjoy it while you can and we will see you when you get back.

missing you loads
Mum, Dad, Sam,Jess,William and James xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Ellie Smith said...

Thinking about you all in beautiful Yorkshire, especially Tom Smith... Nana 'Chicken' and Grandad send their love and looking forward to hearing all about it when you are back home

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone hope you had a very good day in scarborough !!!! :)

Anonymous said...

From Cameron

Anonymous said...

Hi Jasmine and Everybody

We hope you all had a great day out and about in Scarborough.
Jasmine we are all missing you. Even Dani said she had a sad day because you weren't here.
Can't wait to see the pictures from today and see if the sun was shining in Scarborough too.

Lots of love from Mum, Dad, Sam, Tom, Henry, Greg and Danielle

Anonymous said...

hello Isobel,

Hope your having a good time!
Niamh is making me do everything for her. Shes getting a proper cast on tomorow. Have a good time isabob =D.
Miss you.... NOT!

Love you realy from Aisling xxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Chloe,

Hope you had a lovely day at the castle, harbour and lifeboat station.

I bet you are looking forward to going to the beach and rock pooling tomorrow!

Lots of love mummy, daddy and Hannah xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Jazzy

We miss you a lot
We might be changing our show song at wildcats.
Have you enjoyed your holiday so far?
Please send us a postcard and on it write what you have been doing in Scarborough.

Love from Dani and mummuy xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily
Hope you are having a good time. Cant wait for todays pictures. Hope Rose is happier and you and Annie are looking after her and each other.
Love Mum X LUMU

Anonymous said...

PS Emily.
Put your wellies on for rock pooling

Vicki Smith said...

Hi Tom

Hope you've been able to do some rock pooling!

Have a great day tomorrow

Love Mum, Dad, Anna and Smitty

Anonymous said...

Dear Eliot,

Hope you have had a great day and I am assuming enjoyed a hearty cooked breakfast. Have a fab day tomorrow, its a tad quiet here - I wonder why!!!

Miss you - mum, dad Marjory and the french postal travelling dog - oh ps and Grandma LL ( as she has made an impromptu visit) xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi harry
Hope you,re having a good time and are brushing your teeth! We,re missing you. April is staying and she,s very noisy and is eating all your chocolate! I,ll have to restock before you get home. Have a great time.
Love Mum xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi eliot I have read the card you sent and I have seen the elephants. Are there actually elephants in scarbrough, well there must be a zoo in scarbruogh but if you actually saw one walking down the street eating an ice cream send me a picture!!!!!!!

lot of love from your best sister(well not your best ) Gracexxxx