Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 2: Scarborough Extravaganza

...a day full of food and fun!
Briony said, "It was really fun today but really tiring."
Kieran said, "It was very exciting seeing Scarborough Castle."
Cosmo said, "We measured how deep the well is."
Harriet said, "The castle was amazing!"
Leoni said, "We had a lovely breakfast - my bacon sandwich was delicious."
Chloe said, "The views across the bay and across Scarborough Castle are amazing."
The children said, "We are missing all our friends at home."


Anonymous said...

Hi All,
What great photos, lovely to see you all smiling and the sun shining on you !! It's very quiet without Annie here, Katie hasn't got anyone to argue with. Murphy has gone to bed with Katie tonight - in Annie's bed !!! Can't wait to see tomorrows pictures. Love you lots Annie. From Mum xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily
Bet you loved your breakfast. Leoni obviously did.
Love Mum and Dad
PS Great pictures from today

Anonymous said...

Hi Billy
What great looking breakfasts your having - make the most if it as it will be back to weetabix at home :-)
You all look like you are having lots of fun, I like the picture of the seal.
Have fun and look after each other
love Mum and Dad xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Amy
What great pictures today. You all look like you're having a brilliant time. Are you eating enough? Did you sleep ok? (Sorry Mum type questions!)Has Roma come? Hope so.
Love you lots
Mum and Dad xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Morning Harriet, morning all!
The photos of yesterday are great, thank you Mrs Green for posting. It looks like you are all having a fantastic time. Have a fun filled day today!
Love you to the moon and back Harriet.
Mum, Dad and Nick

Anonymous said...

Morning Matt, so jealous of your brekkie it looks good. Nanny and grandad said hello and wish you and your friends a good time. the Sun is shining so have a brilliant day lots of love mum xxx

Anonymous said...

Good morning Chloe,

It's bright and sunny in Stamford this morning, I hope it's nice in Scarborough today for you all.

Enjoy your breakfast!

Love Daddy and Mummy xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Leoni
Fantasctic pictures !
I guess after your return we have a new favourite on the Benedetti Menue ;-)
We wish you all another wonderful day
Love you and miss you
Mum, Dad and sisters

Anonymous said...

To Tom we you like Scarbra it lookes fun.

lots of love Anna

Anonymous said...

Hi Annie

Hope you have a nice day today it looks like you are having lots of fun and I hope that carries on can't wait to hear all about your week when you come back.

Love from Katie

Anonymous said...

Yer I totally agree katie and hope u have a very good day to day everyone in Scarborough

From Cameron

Unknown said...

Hi Matt, we received your letter this morning! Good to hear that you've had such a good time so far, enjoy the peace and fun while it lasts ;) Love Cara xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Rose,
we received your letter today! Thank you very much for letting us know that you're having a fantastic time at Scarborough. Lots of love from Mum and Dad

Unknown said...

Hello Ethan and Alex xx Hope you are both behaving and enjoying your selves xx I received your postcard today Alex, thank you xx I love the pictures that have been put up on the blog, it looks like your all having a fabulous time xx Cant wait to see you both xx
Lots of love mum mark Thomas and Ziva xxxxx

Mr. Wainwright said...

Hello everyone!

Love the pictures, what great memories flooding back to me. I know you will all continue to have a wonderful time. Make sure you let all the teachers get some sleep and enjoy those cooked breakfasts.
Look forward to seeing more pictures...

Mr. Wainwright

Mr. Wainwright said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hi Roma
We hope you are well and having a lovely time?
The sun is shining here I hope it is there to!
Daddy said the hotel is lovely and the views are great can't wait to hear all about it
Last night we took Indi out for his birthday tea and he picked the Raj we did miss you but at the same time know you would hate the food
Ok hope you are sleeping well and looking after each other

Lots of love Dad Mum and Indi xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi harriet hope you are having a great time
I'm stuck at home doing revision so i am very jealous that you are having a way better time than me !
Marzie sends her love and so do I
Love from your favourite bro.

Anonymous said...


It looks like youre all having a great time!! I just wanted to let mum(or Mrs Trevarthen to you all) know that as yet i have not blown up the kitchen!!

Have a great trip :D

Katie (and David says hi too):)

Anonymous said...

Great tosee you are having a great time, fantastic weather! We miss you Mads!,, Love Mum, Dad, and Lexi xxxx

Anonymous said...

Dear Henry and Frankie,

Looks like you are having an amazing time! Its so quiet without you! Hope you're having brilliant fun with your friends, see you soon, love Mum and Dad Xxxxx

Vicki Smith said...

Hi Tom

Hope you're having fun.

Anna thinks the seal in your photo is a turtle!

See you soon

Love Mum,Dad,Anna Attenborough and Smitty

Unknown said...

Hi timmy (aka jazzy) hope your having a good time. Looks really fun, making me reminisce about my trip to Scarborough. Also x country boys think we need less fried breakfasts more muesli, got sports day coming up in a few weeks.
Greg x

Anonymous said...

Hello Frankie and Henry.
Hope you are having a nice time,

Love Ric and Jackie

Anonymous said...

Hi Emily
We got your postcard. Missing you darling. Love Mum and Dad

Anonymous said...

Hi Madeleine, we had clams for dinner thought of you! Binky was here. We miss you! Love Mum And Dad. Xx

Anonymous said...

To Emily,
Thank you for my letter and my present its cool.Missing you.

Love Heather

Anonymous said...

Yum Jasmine Muesli, urrr

Anonymous said...

Hey Ben and everyone!
Just looked at the pictures from your first two days (thank you Mrs Green and co!) - looks like you are all having a lovely time...
Good to see you have not lost your appetite Ben!!
Cannot wait to see today's pictures. Seb is missing you but he said that he is happy that you are having a good time with your friends.
Lots of love,
Daddy, Seb and Maman (and Twig!)

Anonymous said...

Hi Josh,

Hope you're having a great time, it certainly looks like you are from the photos.

Enjoy your last couple of days, we're looking forward to hearing all about it on Friday.

Lots of love
Mum, Dad, Hannah, Katie and Grandad xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Chloe,

We got your postcard today, it was lovely to hear from you. Hannah read it and was excited that you had got her something. She went to Brownies and the peas were finally planted.

Missing you loads, have a lovely time tomorrow
Love Mummy, Daddy & Hannah xxx

Anonymous said...

hi isobel
thanks for your letter. good to hear your enjoying yourself. babs had her new cast on today. its bright pink and ash has decorated it with glitter and diamontes! shes looking forward to seeing what youve bought her but dont spend all your money on us, get yourself some nice souvenirs!
Love and miss you lots, mum dad ash babs and maisie xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Haha I can see that you all look very tired hope you had a grate day. Can not wait to see u all again miss you all Lydia