Monday, April 15, 2013

Summer Term 2013: Week 1

Welcome back everyone!
I hope you have had a wonderful Easter break and are ready for yet another busy term.
This week we will be starting our Maypole Dancing and of course, getting ready for our Scarborough visit.
This term you will need your PE kit in school everyday so that we can use every opportunity to practise for our MayDay assembly and Sports' Day which will be upon us very soon....
I am looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow and hearing your holiday news.


Anonymous said...

I cant wait till Scabrough! Its going to be so exciting. I also cant wait till May day or Sports day. I can wait till SATs though! I hope everyone has had a great holiday.
Rose xx

Anonymous said...

I can't wait untill mayday and scarbrough it will be so fun i hope i get to go with the people i want to go with.


Anonymous said...

Wow I carnt wait to May Day as I just joined x and I had a grate time at the ww2 place

Anonymous said...

0.0 wow its going to be so exciting. I carnt wait till may day or sports day!
hope everyone had a grate holiday!

Lydia Louise Clark x