Sunday, April 21, 2013

Week 2: Locating places around Great Britain

This week will be a busy week preparing for SATs and our Scarborough visit. The winners of the May King and Queen election will also be announced.
Monday 1.30pm: Year 6 Leavers' Photo-make sure you are looking smart!
Tuesday pm: Y6 Booster sessions and Advanced Skills sessions at Helpston
Wednesday am: Cricket Coaching session
Thursday playtime: Final meeting about Scarborough visit
Friday am: Swimming session- have you returned your form?
Please make sure that you have your full PE kit in school all week because we need to find a slot to practise May Pole dancing.

What has been happening in the news this weekend? Tell us about it.... How does it make you feel?


Anonymous said...

Its looks like we are haveing a busy week this week.In the London marathon they had a 30 second silence for the 3 people who died in the Boston marathon America,its makes me feel sad that people would do things like that.


Anonymous said...

Its a very busy week this week!
If Manchester United wins against Aston Villa tonight (22.04.13) they will be premier league champions 2013, because Manchester City lost against Tottenham ysterday (21.04.13).

Leoni xxx

Anonymous said...

wow it looks like a busy, busy week for us!

the queen celebrated her birthday on Sunday 21st April! but the queens 'official' birthday on a Saturday in June!

Luis Suarez got fined for biting Bratislava Ivanovic juring a match!

just don't know why people would bite someone else! makes me really angry people being silly doing something like that!


Anonymous said...

in America 2 men died from drinking out of a bottle because a rat got on it in the warehouse and he drank out of the big bottle.


Anonymous said...

Prime Minister David Cameron has defended controversial plans to get trainee nurses to first work as healthcare assistants to improve patient care.

The European Union lifts the last of its trade, economic and individual sanctions against Burma in response to its political reform programme.

Four-time champion John Higgins suffers a shock 10-6 defeat by Mark Davis in the first round of the World Championship.


Anonymous said...

The President is selling houses for just £1 in Stokentren.


Anonymous said...

On Saturday, there was a terrible earthquake in China which killed at least 160 people and injured over 5000 more.

At the end of the London Marathon on Sunday, one of the 36,000 runners asked his girlfriend (who also took part) to marry him.

It makes me feel sad to think of all the poor people in China. Sometimes its nice to read a happy story after a sad one.


Anonymous said...

The man who set off the Boston bombs was caught and charged of using a weapon of mass destruction.The other brother was killed in a shoot out.


Anonymous said...

There has been foam on Australia's beaches and some 1 meter tall and some lots bigger!


Anonymous said...

Manchester United won yesterday evening(22.04.13) against Aston Villa, so Manchester United are the premier league champions.

Leoni xxx

Anonymous said...

I can't wait until the may day assembly and Scarborough is coming around very quickly. In the news, Canadian doctors say that playing the video game tetris,could help the cure of lazy eye. The Mcgill university discovered that playing this tile matching game can help the eyes to train together better.An estimated, one in fifty children have lazy eye (or amblyopia)so researchers want to begin tests on children who have this condition. When they are doing this, the stronger eye is usually covered to make the weaker one work harder. I think this would be a good way to help people with this condition but I think it might take a long time to fully recover lazy eye! Lauren

Anonymous said...

It looks like were having a busy week.A millionaire(James McCormick)is guilty of selling fake bomb detectors. He made £5 million and sold over 6000 to Iraq.

A man in Australia survived a crocodile attack and only getting some stiches in his head and neck.

I feel very upset about my first one because people could have got killed if they didnt find bombs in time and also those bomb detectors were fake and who would sell fake things?

I feel very happy that the man didnt get killed by that crocodile. He must have felt very lucky.


Anonymous said...

2 men robbed many Tesco stores in this country and have been sentenced
for 4 and a half years in jail.


Anonymous said...

I found out that Both of Ella Henderson's parents have reportedly been arrested in a money-laundering investigation.


Anonymous said...

In Australia there has been foam everywhere in the beaches ! About 1 meatier or more!!!!

Lydia x

Anonymous said...

I'm really looking forward to going to Scarborough next week, it looks like a busy week ahead of us!
News-Liverpool's, Luiz Suarez, has been banned for 10 games for biting a Chelsea player on the shoulder when Liverpool played Chelsea on Sunday.


Anonymous said...

-The Public spending on Margret Thatcher's funeral totalled £3.6m.

-A Shaun the Sheep movie is set for big-screen adventure in 2015.

I feel exited about the Shaun the Sheep Movie because i haven't seen it alot on television so its nice to see it back on television. Im quiet suprised about the amount of money spent of Marget's funeral.

News by Eliot

Anonymous said...

Many children in Wales have to have there MMR measles jab.
On the 23rd of April it was Saint Georges day.

I cant wait until Scarborough on Monday the time has gone quick we only knew about it in August 2012 and now its just 3 days away I am so exited.

From Briony.