Thursday, May 2, 2013

Day 4: Whitby- the Abbey, fun on the beach and games at the hotel.

The final pictures of our Scarborough visit..... but there are many more to share when we get back to school. Thank you for all your messages; I have shared them with the children each day and they have loved hearing news from home.
Cases are partially packed ready for a prompt get away in the morning. We hope to be back at school by 3pm but will contact Mrs Baker if anything changes.
Hopefully everything will come home in the correct case but if not, we can sort it out on Tuesday!
Be prepared for some very excited but exhausted children and enjoy a restful 'long' weekend.


Harry's mum said...

Hello Harry and everyone. Looks like you,ve had a great time and some fantastic weather. Looking forward to hearing all the stories tomorrow. Love mum

Anonymous said...

Hi Annie

Hope your last day has been lovely and I can't wait to hear all about your week and what you made on the beach hope the weather has been nice over there because its been lovely over here.
Katie & Mum

Anonymous said...

Hi Chloe, we saw your lovely photos, you look like you're having a wonderful time. I've checked the weather and it's going to be a sunny morning where you are. Hannah is really looking forward to having you home. Can't wait to see you this afternoon.
Lots of love
Mummy, Daddy and Hannah xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Billy hope you and everyone have had an amazing time!! Look forward to you coming home and hearing all about your adventures.

Much love Mum and Dad xx

Miss. Cracknell said...

We would like to wish you ALL a very safe journey home. We are looking forward to hearing all your stories.
See you soon!
All the children in Miss Cracknell's (and Mrs Green's!) class

Anonymous said...

Well, i've had the most wonderful time at scarborough and i am going to get lots of rest. Thank you Mrs green,Mr Green, Mrs Humphreys, Mrs Trevarthen and Mr Fowkes, I hope you enjoyed your time at scarborough to. See you all on Tuesday!

Anonymous said...

Wow you guys looked like you had fun! Now I wish I went! Carnt wait till I hear all about it on Tuesday see you all soon


Anonymous said...

I've had a lovely time at Scarborough. Thank you so much.


Anonymous said...

I had a lovely time with everyone in Scarborough. Thank you to all the teachers, it was great fun.


Anonymous said...

What brilliant photos! I hope you all had an amazing time and I'm so jealous that you got to go to Robin Hood's Bay, one of my favourite places. Did anyone find any fossils?

See you all soon, from

Katie (Mr and Mrs Green's daughter)