Monday, May 6, 2013

Week 4: Back to School!

I hope you have all had a restful Bank Holiday weekend and are ready for a busy week ahead. We need to practise May Pole dances and readings for the May Day assembly on Friday morning. On Wednesday the Cricket Coach should be taking a session after play (full PE kits needed!) and I will need some help with the new teacher interviews on Thursday- showing our visitors around the school and taking part in the School Council interviews.
And of course..... final preparations for Y6 SATs which start on Monday 13th May.


Anonymous said...

Hi everybody,
I hope you had a good bank holiday. I really enjoy Scarborough- but it was pretty tiring! I am really looking forward to May day assembly and hope to see the cricket coach this week.


Anonymous said...

Hi everybody, I hope everyone enjoyed Scarborough. I am able to do the tours at 08:30 Mrs Green if you need any more children. I am really looking forward to the cricket sessions and May day but im getting more nervous as we get closer to the SATS.

Mrs. Green said...

Thank you Lauren- that would be great!We will sort it all out in the morning.