Sunday, May 19, 2013

Week 6: Year 5 Tests Week and Preparations for Sports' Day

Well done to the Year 6 children who worked really hard during SATs week- I know that the Year 5 children are going to work equally as hard this week.
We have another busy week ahead of us with visitors from Kirkstone House, Kings' School and AMVC to talk to you about transition to Secondary School. There will be a Gold Book assembly on Tuesday and hopefully a Cricket Coaching session on Wednesday. The House Captains will be busy this week helping to sort out the entrants for the races for Sports' Day on Thursday afternoon, starting at 1.30pm. There will be a swimming session as normal on Friday morning.
PE Kits are needed in school every day!


Anonymous said...

Im happy that we have finished the SATS and good luck to the y5's. Im really looking forward to sports day but it is going to be hard sorting out who does which races. Hopefully there is a cricket session.

Anonymous said...

Wow a busy week! I am glad that SATS are over and I am having fun with Mr Fowkes.I can't wait until sports day but it will be really tricky choosing who is in what.I hope the cricket session will happen this week.


Anonymous said...

I am glad that the tests are over. It has been a fun (but a tiring) term. I really enjoyed working with Mr fowkes and takind and editing photos of nature. I have learnt lots of fun, exciting and interesting facts this term. It was most fun when we looked around York minister, I found out that it took 250 years between 1200- 1470 to build York minister.


Anonymous said...

Is this where we put our homework?


Mrs. Green said...

Yes Reece! I think I promised a reward point for comments on the Blog about your learning before half term?

Anonymous said...

Do we bring our homework in or put it on the blog?

Anonymous said...

Im so pleased that SATS are over that's a lot of preasure of my shoulders. I learnt that the well at Whitby Abby was around 30 meaters deep. The funniest part of the trip was at the beach when we did the competion.


Anonymous said...

Hello. Last half term I learnt that a flower has a male part (Stamen) and a female part (Carpel). The Stamen has two parts, the Anther which holds pollen and the Filament which holds up the Anther. The Carpel has three parts, the stigma a sticky catcher which catches pollen, the Style which is The "neck" of the carpel and the Ovary. The Ovary is the most complicated part of the Carpel, it contains ovules which are like a flowers eggs and if they are pollinated they will turn into seeds.
