Sunday, June 2, 2013

Week 7: How good are you at estimating?

Welcome back after your half term break- I hope you have all had a lovely holiday and I look forward to hearing your news.
Hopefully the sun will shine for us this week so that Sports' Day will take place on Thursday afternoon. We will have to rearrange some of the events to include those children who were absent before half term. SRE sessions also start this week and a photographer will be in school on Monday afternoon for Y6 and on Tuesday morning for everyone for class and team photos.Don't forget your swimming kit on Friday morning!

How good are you at estimating? Estimate the number of cups of coffee Mrs Green has had during her life.... What information will you need to know to help with your estimates? Add your questions/ estimates to the Blog and I will respond to them.


Anonymous said...

In order to estimate how many cups of coffee you have drunk in your life, I would need to know
1. How old are you Mrs Green?
2. At what age did you start drinking coffee?
3.How many cups of coffee do you drink in a week?
My rough guess is 43,680

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,I have had a really good half term.I had a really exciting time on Friday when we went to Leeds as I went skiing on an inside slope there. I started of really badly but then I got the hang of it again.Hopefully everyone has had a really exciting and fun but resting half term.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone, I hope you all had a good time in the half term, i had a calm and relaxing time by the beach at Caister, Great Yarmouth.
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again

Anonymous said...

If I would estimate how much coffee drank in her whole life, these would be the questions I would ask her:
1. How many cups of coffee do you drink every week day?
2. How many cups of coffee do you drink on a weekend.
3. What age were you when you started drinking coffee?
4. How old are you?
My estimate is about 50,000 cups of coffee.
Hopefully you will be able to answer all my questions.

Leoni XXX

Anonymous said...

In order to find out how many cups of coffee Mrs Green has drank during her life time I would need to know:
1.At what age you started drinking coffee.
2.How old you are.
3.How many coffees you drink in a day/week
My estimation is that Mrs Green has drank about 40994 cups of coffeee in her life.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green I've had a fun break this week as dad was home.To find how many cups of coffee you have drank I would need to know...

1 Your age
2 When you had your firsy cup of coffee
3 The average amount that you drink a week then you would times that by 52 (weeks in a year)

If you had 5 a day it would be 35 a week ,times that by 52 ,equals 1820 per year, if you started drinking when you were fifteen and you are 45 now that would be 30 years so thats 30 times 1820 which equals 54600, so my rough guess rounded is



Anonymous said...

Hi everyone , I had a really good half term I went to a football award presitation. And went to the Deeping Show.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, this half term I went to Norfolk and I did a lot of fishing.I also went to a football award presitation with Ben.Hope you all had a good half term


Anonymous said...

Sorry i forgot to put a full stop.


Mrs. Green said...

Super questions everyone! I think we need to talk about it at school...

Anonymous said...

The actual anwser to this questions is you have 3 a day so you times that by 7 =21. 21 times 52 because thats how many weeks in a year=1092. You started drinking at 15 and your 55 so thats 40 years you've been drinking. So times 10921 by 40 =43680.

But I don't think Mrs Green is that old she must be younger


Anonymous said...

Well first i need to ask you some simple qwestions
1 how old (55)
2 when u starteed drinking coffee (15)
3how many cups do u dink
i gess 50,500 cup off coffee cause u ahve been drinking lots

lydia x

Anonymous said...

Yes Lydia she has!!


Anonymous said...

Mrs Green are we doing a nother question?


Anonymous said...

Mrs Green this is my strategy to estimate how many cups of coffee you have drunk in your life...
So if you are 55 and you drink an average of 3 cups of coffee in a day then you would times 3 by 365 which is 1095 you are 55 years old so if you have been drinking since 15 then that would be 40 years so you would times 1095 by 40 which equals 43800. But then I would add 10 cups of coffee just in case you have drank any in the earlier stages of your life! So that comes to 43810 which is my approxiamate estimate. The reason I didn't approach Amy and Reeces strategy is because if you are estimating then you want a more rounded number ending in either 5 or 0. That is why I did 3x365 instead of 3x7x52.
Lauren P.S. Do you drink tea?!!!

Anonymous said...

You all sound like you had a fun break but I probably did my favourite thing...Sleep,eat and laze around! I thought the SRE sessions went well today and I found them quite interesting.

Anonymous said...

Sorry that was Lauren

Mrs. Green said...

Now try this one...
How far has Mrs Green travelled going backwards and forwards to school over the last 10 years? How much petrol has she used? How much would it cost her(in today's prices)?

Anonymous said...

If I was going to work this problem out I would need to know some questions:
Approxiamately how many miles does it take to get to Barnack?
How often do you fill your car with petrol and how much do you pay?
I estimate that if it takes you around 8 miles from Thurlby I would round that to 10 miles and then there and back in a day would be around 20 miles and then 20 miles times by 365 (days in a year) that would equals 7300 and then times that by 10 which equals 73000. But then there are around 105 days that are weekends so I would times that by 20 and then 10 whhich is 21000 so I would calculate 73000-21000 which equals 52000. So my rough estimate is 52000 miles.

Anonymous said...

Quagmire means a swampy marshy land that gives way when walked on.

Anonymous said...

It can also mean if your in a difficult, awkward situation where it is hard to escape.

Anonymous said...

Well in order to estimate how many miles you have driven and how much it would have cost you need to know these things:
1.How many miles is it usually to get from your house to school?
2. How do you spend on petrol every time you fill your car with petrol?
3. How often do you fill your car up with petrol?
Now my guess is that it takes about 9 miles to get to Barnack from Thurlby but I will round the 9 miles to 10 miles.Then i need to times 10 by 2 because it takes 10 miles to get to Barnack but not to get back to Thurlby so if i times 10 by 2 it makes 20 miles to school and back. Next I will times 20 by 365 (days in the year) which is 7300. Now i times 20 y 105 because that is approximately how many weekends there are in a year which is 2100. Finally i need to take 2100 from 7300 which is 5200. So my rough guesse for the amount of petrol you use is 5200.

Anonymous said...

In order to estimate how many miles you have traveled back and foth to and from school i would have to know:
1.If you use disel or petrol
2.How many miles it is to travel from Thurlby and back
3.How much it normally costs to top up petrol/disel
4.How often you top up.
There are about 180 days you go to school each year.Mrs Green has been doing that for 10 years now so she has spent 1800 days going to school but then you have to double that to get her going there and back and that is 3600. Mrs Green has gone to school and back for about 3600 times. Im guessing its about 8 miles.Then i would times 8 miles by 3600 which is about 28800.
I will keep it there and just say Mrs Green has spent alot of money on petrol driving to barnack and back and that she has used alot of petrol!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm just saying Rose you accidentally put foth instead of forth.

I've come up with a new question.
How many times has Mrs Green asked what flavour is the cake when someone
has a birthday assembly.What I need to know

When she started asking that question.
how many times does she approximately say it in a
How old she is(21) :)

If Mrs Green started asking that question at 45 and is 55 now there is a ten year gap.
I would say she says it 3 times a week and 3x53=159 and 159x10=1590


p.s I hope im correct.

Anonymous said...

i would need to know ...
approximately how much petrol does it take to get to and home from school.
how much does she pay for petrol
and where she lives!

my rough guess for how much petrol = 1105
how much she pays = £50 per week = 50000
where she lives = ?

Anonymous said...

In order to find out the answer to this problem you will need to know is:
1. How many miles from your house to school?
2.How often do you fill your car up with petrol/diesel.
3. How much you spend on petrol or diesel.
4. If you wanted to be really specific, what speed do you go travelling to school.

This is how I worked it out to get an estimated answer.

THeres about 190 days that you travel to school in a year. If you have been doung that for 10 years you times 190 by 10 which equals1900. Then you have to times 1900 by 2 (because you've been there and back)which is 3800. I'm guessing that it takes about 8 miles from Thurbly, so I rounded that to 10. Next I had to work
3800 times 10 which equals 38,000.

So approximatley going back and forward to school you have travelled about 38,000. THat is alot!


Anonymous said...

I have just had a dilemma. The holidays! Mrs Green wont travel to school then, so if theres approxiamately 13 weeks off so I would round that to 15 weeks. That is 55 days, so 55x20x10=11000, so Finally I would take my first estimate (52000) and subtract 11000 from it which equals . So 41000 is my approxiamate estimate.

Anonymous said...

sorry I forgot to put my name on mine its the 21st message down
