Sunday, July 21, 2013

End of term celebrations

The last 3 days of term are going to be very busy! The Year 6 children need to finish making their tiles for the Leavers' Tree and we will hopefully have time to finish watching all the wonderful 'Top Teacher' presentations.
On Tuesday morning KS2 children will be having a move-through session before play and we will all be going down to church for the Year 6 Leavers' Service in the afternoon.
The final assembly for this term is on Wednesday morning at 9.15- everyone is welcome.
Please remember sunhats and water bottles this week.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Week 12: Preparations for official opening of new classrooms and play area

I hope you have all enjoyed the lovely sunny weekend. I think the warm weather is due to stay so please remember your sunhats, sun cream and water bottles this week.
We will start the week with a Gold Book assembly on Monday where we will celebrate our Eco and Sporting successes from last week.
A representative from the NSPCC is coming in again on Wednesday to do an assembly with the Year 5 and Year 6 children. On Thursday we will be welcoming Bishop John to officially open our new classrooms- more details to follow...
The last swimming session will be on Friday.
Following on from our Smarties challenge last week... What other interesting facts or information can you add to the Blog?