Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week 2: Tudor explorers

 This week we will be researching famous Tudor explorers. Who do you think might have sailed in this boat? What would life have been like at sea?
This week the Life Education Bus is visiting school and our first Gold Book assembly of the term will be on Friday morning.
Reminder- You will need your PE kits in school on Wednesdays and Fridays this year.


Anonymous said...

Mary Rose was a ship built from timber and from almost 600 large oaks which is approximately 40 acres of woodland.The confirmed eyewitness account of the Mary Rose's sinking says that it had fired all of the guns on one side and was turning when it was caught in a strong gust of wind.


Anonymous said...

The Mary Rose was a flag ship in the navey of king henry VIII- the most famouse ship of the Tudors.
The Mary Rose was constructid in the first year of the regin of Henry VIII when he was only 18 years old.


Anonymous said...

The Mary Rose was built between 1509 and 1511 and was named after Henry V111 favorite sister Mary Tudor. She sank in 1545, and was discovered in 1971.


Anonymous said...

The Mary Rose was the flagship in the navy of King Henry VIII - the most famous ship of the Tudors. The Mary Rose was constructed in the first year of the reign of Henry VIII when he was only 18 years old.The Mary Rose was named after King Henry VIII's sister Mary and the Tudor rose which was the emblem of the Tudors. The Mary Rose capsized and sank with the loss of all but 35 of her crew during the Tudors Battle of the Solent in 1545. In 1979 the Mary Rose Trust was formed to excavate the wreck and on October 11, 1982 the wreck was lifted from the sea - a symbol of the Tudors naval power.

Becky xxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hey Mrs Green,
For our homework you said do rules of my kingdom I forgot what you ment can you please tell me again.

Becky xxxx

Mrs. Green said...

Super research everyone!
Remember to read the comments that have already been added and just add any additional information.
You need to extract the key information from your research and record it in your own sentences.
Becky- if you were Queen, what would be the rules that you would want everyone to follow?

Anonymous said...

The Mary Rose is a Tudor ship, built in 1510.
In service for 34 years. Sank in 1545. Discovered in 1971.
Raised in 1982. Now in a museum


Anonymous said...

The mary rose was a tudor ship, she was built in Porstmouth between 1509 and 1511. In 1545 the maryrose sunk nearly killing 400 members of the crew.

Emily and Leonixxx

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone, It sounds great what you are all doing and I definitley miss it. All the work is sooooooo hard in kings and everyone trust me, enjoy primary school while you can! WE get loads of homework but gladly only R.S today and tommorow I have only got a half day since its speech day! Ive made lots of new friends aswell but I still miss everyone especially you Mrs Green and Emily. Have fun tommorow guys and bye!
P.S.Becky and Isobel were certainly surprised when they saw me in the bus on the way home from school!

Mrs. Green said...

Lovely to hear your news Rose- we miss you too! Life in Mrs Green's class is still very busy. We had a very interesting visit from the Life Education Bus today and everyone seems to be enjoying our Tudor topic. Keep working hard.

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone, I just wanted to ask who will be coming to the kings open evening on Wednesday? I would really like to show some of you round.

Anonymous said...

The ship in the picture is the Golden Hind which sailed around the world between 1577-1580.It was captained by Sir Francis Drake with 20 officers and up to 60 crew including a cook.