Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week 4: Was Henry VIII a good king?

What sort of person was he? What do you think?
Think back to our Special Time activity last week....
If 24 is the answer, what might the question be? Be creative and imaginative!


Anonymous said...

Henry was a good King. One of the reasons why he was a good king was becausehe set up a the Church of England. He also made England a stronger country during the War of the Roses.

However he was a bad King because he destroyed ministries and took money from the poor and the churches. He killed many of his wives.

Many people thought he was a very selfish man and by the end of his life everyone was was afraid of him because of his ruthless behavior. They were also afraid of him becasue he would excecute anyone who didn't agree with him.

I think that Henry VIII wasn't a very nice man and that he was a bad King. From what I have learnt about Henry VIII he sounds selfish and nasty because he only thinks of himself and killed his wives only because they had girls.

Facts on King Henry VIII:
Henry VIII was King of England from 1509 to 1547.
Born: 28th June 1491 at Greenwich Palace.
Died: 28th January 1547 at the Palace of Whitehall in London.
He had seven siblings.

Maths questions: If the answer is 24 what is the question?
*If six people needed four sweets how many would they need altogether.
*How many months in two years.
*What is the sum of 16 and 8.
*What is the six times four.


Anonymous said...

I think Henry VIII was both a good king and a bad king because he liked war and fights he was very good when England were in war and the bad thing about him is he spent a lot of his money on fancy hats, clothes and castles
And no money on making England a better county.


Anonymous said...

Henry VIII was a active, fit young man. He liked jousting, hunting and horse racing.He was a bad King because spent all the money he had won so when he died there was none left for his son.

Anonymous said...

Henry VIII was a tall, handsome tudor king with red hair and bright eyes.

I think of a number I times it by two and I add ten, the answer is 58. What was the number I was thinking of? =24.


Anonymous said...

I think Henry VIII was a good king because he diddent steel or do any thing bad like murder but he dident spend any money on his contry.


Anonymous said...

I think Henry VIII was a bad king becuase he spent large amouts of money on wars leaving king Edward II with a broke kingdom after how many wars and welfy clothes Henry VIII spent.

Harry H

Anonymous said...

i think Henry VIII was bad king.I think he is a bad king because he was always fighting with France.Also he closed all the monistrys.


Anonymous said...

I think Henry VIII was a bad king because he beheaded his wives and divorced them only becuase they had girls and if they had a boy it died at birth or a week later.Also he closed all the monistries.

Sarah T

Anonymous said...

Henry VIII had six wives and he wanted a baby boy but 5 of his vives had girls. Mary had a son called Edward but she sadly died shortly after he was born.Edward became king after Henry VII died [Henry VIII dad] .Henry VIII was a good and bad king he liked to go gambuling and spend many hours playing tennis but he loved going hunting but there was a problem hi proberly warned out 8 horses a day. He ruled for 38 years and died in 1547.


Anonymous said...

Henry VIII was a really good but he was also really bad he liked gambling jousting dancing music build new stuff.But the thing he really hated was his wifes obeying him so every time they obeyd him they were beaheaded by Henry.He was a religous man and he had 55 palaces, and one was hampton court and he had a field called the field of cloth of gold but he also traveled to france and he had a flagship called the mary rose but that sank in portsmouth harbour and he watched it sank.

Anonymous said...

I personly think that Henry VIII was a good king because he wanted to look after England and woulnt give up he went to wars and had an ambission to fight and save England but concor the other contreys and win in the other wars he was born 28th june 1491 and he has throught in the wars ever cince and that was his ambission his dad fighted in wars and his dad (Henry VII) went into a famouse war the battle of Bosworth feild where the Tudors won and thats where the Tudor period began at theb battle of bosworth feild.
But other people think that he was mean bossy and just wanted to rule all contreys (witch he did


Anonymous said...

I think Henry was not that bad of a king because he just wanted stuff his own way like he wanted a baby boy or revenge on France because of what they did maybe. If Henry VIII was here now I might stick by him unless he saids he going to chop my head off.


Anonymous said...

Henry the v111 could be a very agresive man.He was into music and dacing and was a fine tennis and jockey.Henry aswell though was a very religous man.He loved hunting and were out eight or nine horses in a day.He came to the throne at the age of 17 and ruled for thirty eight years.Henry owned 55 palaces including Hampton court.

Anonymous said...

well henry the VIII was sort of a bad and also good king because he gave all his pepoel what they wanted,(victary and huge reprotion .) On the ofer hand he was very mean he had 6 wives and he killed 2 of them and he had 200 survents!


Anonymous said...

I think Henry VIII was a bad king because he spent all his money on things he didnt really need so when Edward VI came to the throne he was almost out of money.


Anonymous said...

24:divide by 4 x 5-6=24

Anonymous said...

Henry viii was born in 1491 and he died in 1547.

by Alex

Anonymous said...

Henry VIII was a good king because he helped to protect England by training the soldiers to win the battle.But was also a bad yone in the king because he didn't spend any money on England to make it a better place.

If I have 48 smarties and I give 1 to everyone in the class and 4 to my sisters between them how many will I have? = 24


Anonymous said...

Henry VIII was a bad king because he burnt down monestrys had lots of fights and wars

Josh N

Anonymous said...

He was a bit aggressive but he was a good king because he had the Church of England built.


Anonymous said...

Henry viii was an active fit young man. He had many suits made for him. Henry was a very religouse man he became head of church. And he ruled for 38 years. i think Henry viii was a selfish man because he spent all his money and he had hardly any money left for his son because he spent it on clothes and feathery hats. But he was a good king when there were fights and battles.


Mrs. Green said...

Some super ideas here- well done everyone!
Now you need to work on recording clearly with accurate punctuation...