Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week 5: Why did Henry marry so many times?

A few snapshots of the term so far...

This week we will be continuing  with our Henry VIII writing and collage work. We will be looking more closely at the reasons for Henry's many marriages. 
Try out this puzzle- record the answer to just one of the numbers to allow everyone to have a go!


Anonymous said...

Its been quite a busy term so far.
Why did Henry VIII have so many wives?
Henry VIII had six wives killed most of them. Henry divorced two of his wives,Catherine of Aragon and Anne of Cleves, he had two of his wives executed,Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard and one of his wives Jane Seymour died soon after childbirth. His last wife Catherine Parr outlived him.

He had the first wife because he was betrothed to her by his father.
Betrothed means pledged to be married.
He had the second wife because he fell in love with her and wanted a son.
He had the third wife because he needed a son.
He had the fourth wife because of diplomatic reasons.
Diplomatic means dealing with people in a tactful and skillful manner.
He had the fifth wife because he fell in love again.
He had the sixth wife because he was old and sick and needed a a nurse who wouldn't give him too much trouble and really wanted a son.
The main reson why he married so many times was because he wanted the Tudors to carry on ruling England after he died.


Anonymous said...

Henry VIII had six wives and two were beheaded and two others were divorced and one died also the sixth wife of Henry VIII was Catherine Parr.Henry needed Catherine Parr too look after him because he was getting old and was also sick.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Green hope you are having a superb time.


kieran said...

Hi Everyone


Mrs. Green said...

Hello Kieran!
How lovely to hear from you. I hope you are getting on well at AMVC. We are missing you but we might see you all when we come over to Glinton next week for the Year 6 basketball tournament?

Anonymous said...

Hello Kieran
What a lovely surprise to hear from you. I hope you are enjoying AMVC and getting on well. We do miss your smile.
Mrs Humphreys

Anonymous said...

Henry had six wives. He loved Catherine of Aragon but as well he loved Anne of Cleves then he killed them both. Henry married to other women called Anne Boleyn first then Catherine Howard and he chopped there heads off. Jane Seymore died soon after she had a baby. Henrys last wife was called Katherine Parr who outlived him. Mrs Green I think Henry did marry Katherine Parr.


Anonymous said...

Why did Henry VIII marry six times?
First he married Catherine of Aragon because he was pledge to be married to her by his father.(Divorced)
He then married Anne Boleyn because he loved her and still wanted a male heir to rule for England.(beheaded)
Then Henry married Jane seymour because he still needed a male heir.(died)
His fourth wife was Anne of Cleves because of diplomatic reasons.(divorced)
Then his fifth wife was Catherine Howard because he fell in love again.(beheaded)
His final wife was Catherine Parr because he was old and sick and needed a nurse who would not give him to much trouble and he really wanted a son.(survived by out living Henry)
The reason why he married so many times was because he wanted the Tudors to carry on ruling after he died.
The maths puzzle:
4-3 = 1
4= is eight
3x4 = 12
3x3 = 9

I know I was only supposed to do one I did four I got carried away sorry!

Anonymous said...

Wow it looks like you have been busy this term and I have too. I'm only just keeping on top of all the work! Even though the work is tough and I have a lot of homework I am still enjoying Bourne Grammar a lot but I do miss you Mrs Green and I will try and put a comment on the blog whenever I can.


Mrs. Green said...

Hello Harriet! I'm pleased to hear that you are well and working hard. Once you settle into your new routines, I'm sure that things will get easier.

Laura Keeley said...

Wow, reading this blog has brought back some memories! I recognise the human body display - the trailer always being parked at the back of the hall/end of the playground. It's amazing to see so much change, and also so many recognisable things.

Can't believe I left Barnack ten years ago this summer, time flies and I can still have so many memories, some feel like they happened yesterday. It's amazing to see so many familiar names on the teachers list too - was expecting to be reading through thinking 'Who?'

Would love to come and see the school sometime, reading these blogs and looking at the pictures has made me very nostalgic!

Laura x