Monday, September 2, 2013

Welcome back!

Hello everyone.
I hope you have all had a super Summer break and are ready for a busy term ahead. Mrs Humphreys and I have been getting the classroom ready for action on Wednesday and are looking forward to seeing you all.
Remember this is your Class Blog where you can add your ideas and comments, share your learning or just keep in touch. Please remember to write clearly in accurately punctuated sentences (no text speak!) and always sign off with just your Christian name- with a capital letter!
PS. Good luck to all the 'new' Year 7 children moving on to your new schools this week- don't forget to let us know how you are getting on.


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,
I really enjoyed the first day back to school. I can't wait to show some pictures of little Jessica. This is a questin for Mrs Green- Is our new topic the tudors?


Anonymous said...

Hey everyone, I had a brilliant day at Kings and I really enjoyed it. Mine and Katies Form(class) teacher looks like Olly Murphs!I love the school Uniform aswell but I miss Barnack lots. Kings is like a Labyrinth compared to Barnack!
Miss you gyus lots,
Rose xx

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone missing last years year 6,hope they are all settling in. I think this terms topic is the Tudors because Henry VIII and William Shakespeare were on the boards!

Anonymous said...

Hello everybody I've really enjoyed the first few days of school and I can't wait to se what is coming up. Se you all soon


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,
I have had a great summer holiday and first two days back at school! I cant wait till our king and Queen day and our new topic Tudors.

See you at school everyone!


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone guess who?
Its me, Lauren!!! I hope everyone is having a great time. Trust me, enjoy the time at Barnack while you can because when you come to secondary school it's like a maze to find your way- there is so many rooms! I am really enjoying Bourne Grammar but at the moment there is lots of tests. The thing I miss most about Barnack school is of course you Mrs Green but alaso the uniform... I know that sounds weird but they are bottle green, blazers and ankle length skirts which gets VERY hot! Anyway, I hope you enjoy being at school and I will try to keep up to date with your class blog but I can gaurantee
it will be hard because of all the moumtains of homework I am having! See you soon,
Lauren x
P.S. Congratulations Emily I hope baby Jessica is well! xxxx

Anonymous said...

Hello everybody,
I hope all the old year 6's are enjoying there new schools. I really enjoyed the first 3 days back at school. I did not know that Henry v111 wanted a baby boy and not a girl and now I do I have found out a lot of new things about the Tudor times already. And I can not wait until the new receptions come on to the play ground they are so small and cute.


I really hope Emily brings her new baby sister Jessica into school next week!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,
I really enjoyed the first 3 days of school. I also enjoyed the little play at the beginning of the kings and queens day because it was really funny. I can't wait to get back to school.


Mrs. Green said...

Lovely to hear from you Lauren. I'm pleased to hear that they are working you hard!