This week we will be continuing with our research on Tudor houses.
We will also begin to prepare for the Harvest Service in church and our Harvest assembly which are both next week.
Half Term is nearly here... and a good opportunity for you to reflect on your learning. What has gone well this term so far? What are your targets ? How would you like to improve? What things would you like to do differently?
Just a few photos of fun at the Basketball Tournament at AMVC!
The difference between the rich houses and the poor houses is that the richmens houses had very patterned timber frames.With walls like wood paneling inside.Some even had glass windows and were very large buildings.The poor houses may have had timber frames,but if they did they weren't patterned.They didn't have any windows and they were very small.
I cant believe we have only a few weeks until half term I hope everyone from miss Cracknells class last year have had fun I know I have.Had a great time at AMVC. The term has gone very quick and full of excitement.
Its been a very busy term so far. But as we known Mrs Green's class are always busy and never waste a minute. I've really enjoyed this term and I think it has gone very well. I definately think I've improved on my maths and my target is not to panic and try my best.
The pictures looked great it looked like everyone was happy and enjoyed our trip to AMVC.
Rich houses were often made from brick or stone and tiles. They were known for their black and white affect. They had timbered frames and exspensive, glass windows. They had wooden frames and the spaces between were filled with small sticks and wet clay called wattle and daub.
Poor people lived in huts with one or two rooms and the roof was made of thatch. The floor was just hard earth and smoke from the fire went up through a hole in the roof (this often caused alot of fires) and didn't have much windows.
The differnce between them was mostly that the rich peoples houses were safer,stronger,built of brick have glass windows. The poor peoples houses were weaker and didn't have any windows. They were made of clay and sticks.
The rich people lived in the country side because they had big houses. The poor lived in the towns which the area was a lot smaller.
It has been such a busy week this term. It has gone very well. I really have improved in my fractions in maths. The pictures from AMVC look great everyone had fun and joined in it.
Becky xxxxx
Many poor people lived in villages doing farm work or making clothes in their own homes for very little money. The rich lived completely different by builing fine houses that had portraits in the walls and glass in the windows. They left the rest of the house packed with lovely furniture.
I have also had an amazing term yet and I don't want to leave in December. I have had amazing three years here and I'll make the most of my last few weeks.
Leoni xxx
The rich people lived in the countryside so that they can expand there houses and furniture
I have really enjoyed this 7 weeks especcialy are Henry VIII artwork
People who were rich properly wanted to live in the country side so they could get fresh air and water because most people in the towns had disgusting air and water . FRANKIE miss green I red 12 pages with my reading buddy
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