Sunday, October 20, 2013

Week 8; Harvest Preparations

This week we will be preparing for our Harvest Service in church on Tuesday morning at 9.30am and the Harvest Assembly in school at the beginning of the day on Friday. Please remember to bring in your Harvest gifts for the Food Bank.
On Wednesday you might need wellies in school for Outdoor Adventure activities with Miss Cracknell's class if the grass is wet.
On Thursday morning we have some special visitors in school to work with all the Year 5 and Year 6 children. Those children playing in the Hockey tournament at AMVC will need their full PE kit and water bottle for Thursday afternoon.
On Friday we all need to be ready and prepared for the walk to Burghley. KS2 children will have an early packed lunch in the classrooms, ready to catch the coach to Pilsgate. From there we will walk along the new footpath to Burghley so sensible footwear and a waterproof coat are essential!
What a busy week!


Anonymous said...

Wow! What a bust week. Who will be the special visitors coming on Thurdday? I can't wait for Friday when we will be walking from pilsgate to Barnack. It sounds really fun.


Anonymous said...

Wow! we have a very busy week I cant wait for the hockey although I have to where my shin pads because of my injury from Friday. I wonder who is teaching us on Thursday. It sounds like we will be very tired by the end of this week and on our walk from Pilsgate to Burley do we need willies or walking boots.


Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward for the Hockey tournament on Thursday and exited about going to Burley house on Friday. AND what a CRACKING week if I do say so myself. I've also got lot's of info about Tudor houses and I'm ready for the report. WOW what a lot of info I know about the Tudors this term


Anonymous said...

Sorry Mrs Green I forgot a full stop a the end


Anonymous said...

Hasn't it been a busy week this week In Mrs Greens class we are always busy. I can not wait until tomorrow it will be a busy day walking from Pilsgate to Burghley House on the new foot path. Also the Harvest assembly too. And it was so so so fun working with Mrs Huphrys in the kids kitchen making shortbread biscuits for tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

The harvest assembely was very good the only was that wasn't good was that people wasn't very loud. See evreyone after half term.


Anonymous said...

Hey everyone, it sounds like you have all been having a really busy time. I wonder what this hockey is? Of course I have been playing hockey at school but I never played hockey when I was at Barnack! And I wonder who the special visitors were that came on Friday?