Saturday, November 9, 2013

Week 10: What did the Tudors do for entertainment?

A huge thank you to those children who started us off by presenting your talks last week- they were brilliant! I look forward to learning more information about the Tudors in the next few weeks.
Hopefully this week we will be spending some time looking at different poems and poets. Have you got a favourite poem that you can bring in to share?
On Monday you will need to remember to bring a coat for our walk to the War Memorial. On Wednesday a group of Y6 children will be representing Barnack at a Technology day at AMVC.
Don't forget Children in Need on Friday!


Anonymous said...

There was no computers and electricity in the Tudor times. Tudor people would normaly work every day and then leave the Entertainment for Sundays. Watching plays became very popular in the Tudor times especially plays wriiten by William Shakespeare. By 1595, 15,000 people a week were watching plays in London. Also watching sports was very popular. Some of the sports that the Tudor people would watch was Jousting, Tennis, Football, Cock- fighting and bear- baiting. A public execution was an event not to be missed, people would queue through the night and day to get the best view.


Anonymous said...

Hi Barnack school. I have not forgotten about you but I have started a new school. We sing the National Anthem every Monday morning. It is not that hot but it is going to get boiling soon!

From Chloe in Australia

ps From Hannah too

Anonymous said...

Hi Chloe,
Long time no see. I bet you're enjoying australia. Loads of people are missing you and I'm starting to. Take care

Anonymous said...

Hi Chloe and Hannah,
It sounds like you are having fun in Australia. We have all been missing you very much it doesn't feel the same without you and Hannah. Hope you are having fun and enjoying yourself because we are getting soaked with rain over hear. Like I said have fun and enjoy yourself while you can. Bye have a great time .

From Beckyxxxxxxxxxxx ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Chloe how is it in Australia do you prefuren it hear or in Australia?
Like Emily said they did not have any electrcity. They would work on monday to saterday and leave the entertaiment for sunday. One of the entertaiment was plays [ the adults ] The childrens entertaiment would be playing with their toys but some rich children like to go to the plays. They would also go to watch sports like bear baiting, jousting, football and tennis. A nother entertaiment was excution. People would line up for about two days!


Anonymous said...

Hi Becky, Joel and Isobel,

Thankyou for sending me those messages but can you do me a favour, can you go to Miss Cracknell and ask her to go on her blog because I have left a message.

Australia is really fun and our school is really fun because we have an ice cream shop and we have 5 chickens at our school as well.

I have joined the Life Saving Club called the Little Nippers and we do running on the beach, paddle boarding, sea swimming and lots more.

From Chloe

Anonymous said...

Ok Chloe I will tell Miss Cracknell to go on her blog.

I will tell her tomorrow for you all the things you do sound really fun hope you and Hannah are having a good time at your new school.

from Beckyxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi Chloe I hope you are enjoying Australia and are having fun! What's your school like? Your swimming sounds great.
From Amy xxx