Sunday, November 17, 2013

Week 11: Health and Hygiene in Tudor times

Did the Tudors lead a healthy lifestyle? What were their cures for illnesses and diseases?

This week we will hopefully be starting to look at the script and the songs for the Christmas play so get those singing and speaking voices ready for auditions.
Please remember PE kits on Monday for our Dance session and the children playing football on Wednesday need to return their signed permission slip to school as soon as possible.
We will also be continuing with our Power down activities this week- a Cycle Challenge on Monday afternoon and an assembly followed by a workshop session on Friday morning.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green,
I can't wait until tomorrow because of my talk. Also the P.E session too. Well the Tudors weren't that clean because the poor people had to sleep on the floor and when it was winter they would bring their animals inside with them. In the streets they wood tip mucky water out of their windows and it would all fall on someone that was walking out on the street. Also The poor did much more work than the rich so they would get dirtier.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green,
It sounds like another busy week for Mrs Green's class. I really enjoyed the cycling challenge today. We can't wait to hear about the new baby.

Health and Hygiene in Tudor Times:
There was no proper drainpipes in towns. Open sewers often ran down the middle of streets straight into rivers and wells. That's where people collected drinking water. But they didn't normally use water because it wasn't very clean. All waste was thrown onto the streets including toilet waste. So if someone was walking past, they would get the waste all over them. Diseases quickly spread. Some poor people would have to sleep on the floor and share their small, one roomed houses with dirty animals. It would have got very smelly in the room.


Anonymous said...

Morning everyone, i'm so excited because the christmas play is soon. The poor was not clean because like Becky said when it is winter they brang their dirty animals in to ceep them warm. The animals weren't clean and they stunk.But they had clean teeth. They had cleaner teeth then the rich. Also they tipped all theri waste out of the window so sometimes it will fall on the people below.[Whatch out!]


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green
On Monday tell us about your weekend when you went to go and see your new grandchild.

Rich were clean because they had much more cleaner teeth then the poor, so they would have cleaner baths. But their teeth were rotten because they didn't have any tooth past.
