Sunday, November 24, 2013

Week 12: Preparations for Winter Fayre

This week the hall timetable will be in place for us to start practising the Christmas play.
There will be football games at Barnack on Wednesday afternoon and Mrs Turner has also kindly offered to come into school the same afternoon to help with baking for the Christmas Fayre which is on Friday after school. Please remember to ask your parents if you are able to help with the Year 6 games and activities. 


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green,
It was really fun learning and practicing the Christmas play I am so excited. By the sound of it it's going to be a busy, busy week for our class. I can't wait for Friday because we can dress up Christmassy and the Winter Fayre is on after school. I can't wait until for Wednesday because my mum is coming in and baking with us it is going to be really fun that day also all week. But we still have to not get distracted from our hard work. Also Mrs Maxwell's baby girl called Poppy is so cute also Jeremy Green is cute as well. Hope everyone has a good week.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs green sorry about the card but I am really exited about the play I have been practicing the songs and all the lines for policeman 2. My Dad said I can help at 3:30 to 4:00 I will give you a letter. from Frankie

Anonymous said...

Hello mrs green
I carnt wait until the play I've been learning my lines also I forgot my script last night and won't be in until Friday so could you please get it for me it's in the hall I think from Zumba but know my lines of by my birthday is coming soon !!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green

My mum said that i could help 4:00 to 4:30. can't wait till the christmas play. Its a busy week for us. Have a nice birthday lydia.


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,
Hope you all have had a nice fun week this week it will be the last week with Leoni and Guilia so I hope everyone will have a good day with them. Goodbye Leoni and Guilia For Tomorrow.
