Sunday, November 3, 2013

Week 9: How different were the lives of the rich and the poor?

Welcome back! I hope you all had an enjoyable half-term break? What exciting things have you been doing? What interesting things did you learn on our Burghley visit?
Now back to work....  and the run up to Christmas.
Have you been thinking about ideas for your Christmas card design? These will need to be done this week.
PE will be on Mondays instead of Wednesdays this half term so please remember your  PE kit.
There will be a special Bonfire Lunch on Tuesday 5th November and the netball team are out on Wednesday afternoon.
If you have been busy preparing your Tudor talk and are ready to go, you can add your name to the timetable.
See you soon!


Anonymous said...

I've had a very busy half term, I've seen my nan and grandad from Spain, my other nan and grandad from Chesterfield and my other nan that lives down the road. I've done some christmas designs for my card. I can't wait until we start the christmas play. I really excited to go out on Wednesday and play Netball. I'm ready to do my talk when we come back to school.

How different were the lives of the rich and the poor?
The lives of the rich and the poor were very different.
The first thing that was different is that the Rich would have big feasts and would have lots to eat but the poor would have alot less food. The poor would live in Huts and the rich would live in big houses such as Mansions and castles. The poor would have to work hard to survive. Rich people wouldn't have to work so hard but they still had to bring in money for the family. Another difference between the rich and the poor was their clothes. The rich would like to show off with their clothes. Their clothes would be decorated with jewels and embroidered with silk and gold thread. The poor would have loose clothes that were maybe to big or to small mostly made from woollen cloth.
See you tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

In the half term I have bin p and down around and about places I went bowling on Saturday 2nd and lots of other stuff. Can't wait to practice the christmas play and I have so many designs for the Christmas cards. Also I have finished my talk and ready to show everyone.

The rich and the poor houses were very different. The feast were to rich people had big feasts but the poor had so much less than the rich. when it came to work the poor had a lot of jobs and the rich would have not a lot of work to do. The rich people had different clothes to the poor the poor had loose clothes and the rich had clothes that fitted them slightly.


Anonymous said...

This term has been grate and the next few months is going to be fun perplexing for the Christmas play my birthday bonfire was today I learnt lots of suff on the trip to burghley I learnt lots about Tudor medic and a bit about the gardens and the beer room where the barrels of beer was! Still carnt believe they let children drink beer I've also redy for my talk ! And did my Christmas card just in time!


Anonymous said...

i had alovely half term i have been down the caravan all week

Anonymous said...

To Mrs Green,

Ihade a great week at school i realy liked doing my clothes report. I enjoyed doing my christmas card,that was very fun and i hope every one has a good christmas. On half term i went to my Grandads and i saw my brother RIC [the oldest] and on the weekend my [youngest] brother JONNIE is coming. The rich tudors and the poor have not a lot in comun the rich would have black teeth and the poor would have white. If you were to weare purple you would proberly have there head choped off becouse only the king can weare purple. It repersents that there the best. There is more but i dont want to spoil it. From FRANKIE xxxx p.s i realy learnt things [a lot] .

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone
The rich pepole wore very tight clothes and the poor wore really baggy clothes. The trip to Burley was amazing i honestly didn't belive the medice would even work.
I really enjoy school and love coming every day i really miss school when i go to Maggies.

Anonymous said...

By Sarah

Anonymous said...

i had a wonderful half term I went to Thope Park. i wonder what the christmas play. I also larent lots at Burghley it was so fun the docter was the best.I havn't done my talk yet but i am going to start it tomrrow.

Anonymous said...

Hi mrs green in the holidays Ive been doing quite alot of sporty things such laser force and many other. I really enjoyed burghly it was a very interesting those medinsons were disgusting and the tour of the kitchen was excellent. I'm really proud of my christmas card its the best one i've ever done.

thew difference between poor and rich was that the rich had worse teeth from the amount of sugar they ate and that the houses were alot more grand it many ways

Harry H

Anonymous said...

On half term I went to loads of places it was really busy. I went to London to the Shard. The view was great. A few days later I went down south to see my aunt and my uncle went there too. As well I went to Norfolk to a place called go ape where I went ziplining and walking across swinging platforms it was really good. I had fun at Burghley. The tudor medicine was fun learning about.


Anonymous said...

I have had a very exiting half term I went to costa calma in fuertuventura and it was fantastic I had a great time.I'm so sad I missed our Burguly house visit.I have had a great week at school so far I'm so exited to find out what our school play is.I have leant a lot about the rich and poor homes i have leant that poor people's homes were very small and only had one room and rich homes had a long gallery which was used for playing games in.


Anonymous said...

sorry Mrs Green forgot to put my name

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed half term but couldn't wait to come back to school. I went to France to see our new house and school, I really like it there and would love too go.(We still don't know where we're going). I really enjoyed it at Burghley and learnt a lot especially about medicines.

Their were a lot of differences. On an inventory poor people would have had a very short list and on a rich persons inventory it would have been a long list.

P.S. An inventory is just like a will.

Anonymous said...

We finally know that we are going to France!!! I don't want to leave you, But I'm really excited to be living in France!!

Lots of love Leoni

Mrs. Green said...

I am so pleased to see that so many of you have now added a comment to our Blog. Please remember to punctuate your sentences accurately...and don't forget those capital letters for proper nouns!