Sunday, December 8, 2013

Week 14: Last few days of rehearsals....

We have an exciting week ahead of us...
I hope you have been busy learning your lines over the weekend because there will be no scripts allowed on stage this week. We now need to focus on your acting skills!
Costumes need to be in school to be checked; there will be a full run through in costume on Wednesday afternoon so that we can sort out the lights and music.
On Thursday morning we will be watching the KS1 Dress rehearsal and they will be joining us for our Dress rehearsal on Friday morning.

What have you learnt about Nelson Mandela? What sort of person was he? What questions would you have liked to ask him?



Anonymous said...

I think Nelson Mandela was a great man because he had very strong beliefs in what he thought and didn't stop believing in them.I would've loved to meet him he sounded like a very generous and interesting person.Did you know he was the first person in his in his whole family to go to school.


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,
WOW! It seems like another busy week. I know all my lines and will be bringing my costume in tomorrow.

Nelson Mandela was a amazing person. Nelson Mandela was in prison for 27 years. But that didn't stop him believing that there should be peace between black and white people.If I had,had the chance to have met Nelson Mandela I would have asked him loads of questions. Some of these would be:
1) What inspired you to help bring peace between black and white people?
2)What would you do to entertain yourself when you were imprisoned at Robben Island?


Anonymous said...

Nelson Mandela was former president of South Africa. He was born on July18th 1918 in Mvezo. He was the first black president of South Africa from 1994 until 1999. Nelson Mandela became a hero to people all over the world because of his fight for peace and equality.

Josh N

Anonymous said...

Nelson Mandela led people, white as well as black, in a peaceful protest against apartheid (separating people by the colour of their skin).

Because of this,
in 1961 Africa left common wealth. Millions of countries were in support of anti-apartheid.

Entertainers and sport teams were refusing to go to Africa.

Anonymous said...

Nelson Mandela put his life at risk by fighting for equal rights
in south africa, beliving that black and white people should be treated the same .He was put in prison at robben island working in the quarrt for these beliefs .He was born july 18th 1918 and died on the 5th of December 2013 age 93 he will alway be rememberd as a great man
and i am briging in my costume tomorrow

Anonymous said...

Nelson Mandela was in prison for 27 years. He was a great man. Nelson Mandela wanted to bring Peace between White and Black people. Nelson Mandela was Born on July 18th in 1918 and Died on December 5th 2013 he was 93 years old. Also he was the first person to go to school in his family. These are the questions I would like to ask him

1)What would you have done if they didn't agree with you idea about brining peace between them?

2)Why did you want to bring peace between White and Black people?


Anonymous said...

Nelson Mandela was a man who just wanted black and white people to be treated the same as each other. Now I think that was a very strong beleif of Nelson Mandela. He was determined that when he was let out of jail he will bring peace between the black and the white.It is a very sad time but he improved our behavior so well we need to carry on and not let Nelson down.


Anonymous said...

Nelson Mendela went to jail because he tried to make black and white people to be the same.Also he was in jail for 27 years.

The play is getting gooder and gooder everyday. Now we haven't got the script it is better because we are not allways looking at the floor. People just need to be louder when they sing and saying their lines.It's a verry busy week for Mrs Greens class.


Anonymous said...

Nelson Mandela was a man who wanted Equality between black and wight people and he went to jail for it but when he came out of jail he came out fighting and it is very sad that he died
Thomas Hamish
P.S hers a riddle: You can look at it all you're life and never see it, all use it but some never knew it, its in everything even those who aren't in it.

Anonymous said...

Nelson Mandellia parent originally wanted him to become a tribe leader when he was older. Did you know that Nelson Mandellia was called a terrorist because of his original eggretion against white people he even trained with the British army to attack white people. Sept over all I think he was a good man and a great inspiration to anyone who wants to stand up for so anything they believe in.


Anonymous said...

Nelson Mandella had children called Makaziwe,Makgatho,Zinziswa,
Zenani and Mandiba

Anonymous said...

I forgot from Tom

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone I have brought my costume in for the play with a black tie. My Dad told me how to put it on.

Some facts about Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela was a great man.
1. He made peace with black and white people.
2. He spent 27 years in prison so he had lots of time to think.


Anonymous said...

Nelson Mandela was a very clever man also his parents didn't name him it was a primary school teacher. It was in his primary school which was in Qunu.

by Sarah

Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for Nelson Mandela I wouldn't be here so I give him the best of luck in his peace,

From Joelx

Anonymous said...

Nelson Mandela was a very good man and if he wasn't there life would be hard for black people in Africa and woulden't be treated the way they should.


Anonymous said...

I am really sad that he died i hope he died in peace and joy even though what he went through.
he was the first coulored presidant of africa. In the news ive hered that people in africa and other contreys are really sad that they have been putting flowers down where he used to live and while a new film (premier)his own that people made he died juring it and his family said (i wish i was not watching the premier i wish i was at his bed side.
hope hes happy in hevan

lydia x

Anonymous said...

Nelson Mandela must of died in a village in Africa because he might be poorly.

By Alex.

Anonymous said...

I think that Nelson Mandela was a great person and shouldn't jave been treated how he was.I learnt that all he wanted was peace with black and white.I think that it must have been awful being a black person in the time that he lived.


Anonymous said...

When Nelson Mandela went into prison a band was inspied from what he did so they wrote a song about him and it was called free Nelson Mandela that went twordes freeing him from prison.


Anonymous said...

I have just found out that Nelson Mandela was getting buried Today in South Africa. He went missing in hospital couple of months ago and people couldn't find him.
