Sunday, January 12, 2014

Week 2: Once upon a time...

This week we will be having a special visitor to introduce this term's topic...
Using this traditional story starter we are going to try to start a class story by adding only one (accurately punctuated) sentence each.
Once upon a time, in a deep, dark forest, there stood a tiny cottage.


Anonymous said...

The cottage had a thatched roof, four tiny windows, a bright red door and a tall chimney with a wisp of smoke coming from it.

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone !!
Its quiet warm over here and it usually rains at night. Sometimes the mornings are a bit fogy but that goes away in the following of the day.
First week over, it wasn't too bad. But what about the next....
Love Leoni xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi leoni,
It's lovely to hear from Leoni. I hope you are having a wonderful time in France. I hope you are enjoying your new school and are making lots of new friends.

Anonymous said...

Inside a kind, grey haired old lady sat by the fire in her rocking chair knitting away while a sleepy cat curled up by her feet purring away.


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
I hope you all enjoy your special visitor this week. I really love the story lines so far, any more for any more?
Miss Rice

Mrs. Green said...

Suddenly there was a loud thud on the door.

Anonymous said...

Who was? it the lady didn't know. then the door swung open and in the door way was a old man his name was sid a old man from the village he wanted to know if he could assist her like to cross the road.


Anonymous said...

Hi leoni hope you are well hope we will put a new message on the blog for us.


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone
Im really looking forward to finding out about who the person is who knocked on the door.

Hi Leoni
I hope your having a great time in France.Have you made alot of freinds?I hope you pay a vist to us.


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
I wonder what happens next in the children of winter.I think its Maggie Hoggs.Mrs Green please dont stop at another cliffhanger because I really want to know what happens!

Lovely to hear from Leoni I sent her a postcard and she said she has half days on wednesdays and no school uniform.Hope its nice in France and in your new school.Have you made any friends, one day I hope you come and visit us.
Missing you lots love Briony.


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
I am looking forward to children of winter I think its a really good book to read. I enjoyed the BFG today, after Alex Rider I might read some of them.

Hello Leoni,
hope your having a wonderful time have fun in France

Frankie x

Anonymous said...

Mrs Green,
Because were doing Once Upon A Time... could we maybe be allowed to write a story on anything not violence or anything but it would be fun if we could.

From Frankie xx

Mrs. Green said...

That would be a great idea Frankie! You can write a story whenever you want...

Anonymous said...

Hiya Leoni!
Hope you have new friends really miss you and hope you like it there hope you come see us soon !

Love Lydia x