Sunday, February 2, 2014

Week 5: Why are Roald Dahl's characters so interesting?

Who is your favourite character from a Roald Dahl story? Why? How are they described?
This week we will learn more about Doc Spencer...

The weeks get busier and busier but we are going to try to fit a Reward Time (bench ball session) in on Tuesday afternoon.

Try this Maths Challenge; can you work out the number?
This number is a multiple of 11 and 7. The product of its digits is 6.
Any correct answers handed to me will get a reward point.


Anonymous said...

My Favourite character is The BFG. I can remember in Danny the champion of the world when it says he holds a blowpipe and suitcase full of magic dust and he wears a black cloak.


Anonymous said...

My favorite character so far is Dan because he knows how to drive a car, how amazing!I think I can answer the question but not on the blog in case people don't know it and they use my blog comment as their answer.I hope we can carry on learning about Doctor Spencer.How will dad not get locked up when he tells the truth that he was poaching?Maybe Dr Spencer used go poaching with dad?
I have been on the website Mrs Green showed us today and carried on with it, it's an amazing thing to learn from.


Mrs. Green said...

Well done Briony, you are the first person to come to me with the correct answer. You also gave an excellent explanation of the strategy that you used.

Anonymous said...

My favorite character is Mr victor Hazell because he is a very monopulating man and I think he is going to be a lot of trouble but it could change to doc spencer.......

I have been thinking about the question and I carnt think what it might be. If I figure it out tonight I'll ask you if it right tomorrow.

Oh and Mrs Green like Briony I went on the cyber bullieing thinkuknow website


Anonymous said...

Keep trying, Lydia, and well done for having a go. Well done, Briony! Anyone else?
Miss Rice

Anonymous said...

My favourite character is fantastic Mr fox and that duck book with the guns because they go on lots of adventures and I just like it.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green and everybody,
My favourite Roald Dahl character is Matilda. I have done the Blog Maths challenge. I will bring it in to show Mrs Green. I won't put in on the blog because then it will give other people a chance to work it out.


Anonymous said...

I really like ready Danny and the champion of the world it is hooking me in I really want to read more about the shooting party and what William will do to try his best to wreck it.

My favourite book is the BFG I remember when that man came in and told the story to us it was funny. I liked the bit when he blue magic dust out from his Trumpet and puffed it on to the horrible giants so they get mean nightmares. Because those giants didn't like the BFG because he was so kind. He always carry's a suitcase and a long, thin Trumpet around with him and at the Witching hour he comes down from were he lives and peers in every top bedroom window, to see if any children are awake. Also I like it when he blows magic dust on the good children when there asleep to make them have good nightmares.


Anonymous said...

I think Rolas Dahl's characters are so intresting because most of them are like the people he has met. Also his characters are funny. So far in the book we are reading (Danny the champion)is realing good and funny my favourite charater in Danny the campion is Doc Spencer.


Mrs. Green said...

Thank you for your comments. Well done Emily for solving the Maths Challenge. Any others?