Sunday, February 23, 2014

Week 7: Will the 'Sleeping Beauty' plan work?

Welcome back everyone!
I hope you've all had a great half term break and I look forward to catching-up with all your news.
Back to school means remembering everything that you need each day - it would be useful to have your PE kit in school all week ready for any extra practices because I know that Soke football and netball are coming up very soon.

Can you write an interesting character description? Remember to include description, action and dialogue.
Use this as your starting line...

The tall figure stood in the doorway. 


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone
I have had a really, great week.
I can't wait until reading more of the book I am really enjoying it. Yes it might work but Mr Victor Hazel might have more people on site watching the pheasants because it is his big day the next day. Also the sleeping powder might not work.

The tall figure stood in the doorway like a hovering ghost waiting for it's revenge. Then he see's a flickering light flashing ahead like a siren...


Anonymous said...

The tall figure stood in the doorway. A dark, velvet topped hat obscure his face. a heavy wool cloak was draped around his bony shoulders. His long, lanky body swayed from side to side as if he was about to topple over.
"Good Evening," he said. "May I come in?"
"Of course," I said. "May I take your coat?"
As he turned towards me, I noticed he made no reflection in the mirror on the wall behind him. I struggled to keep the horror I felt, from my face. The cold realisation, of who was standing before me, crept over my body.
My visitor took off his hat and as he smiled, two fang-like teeth revealed themselves from beneath blood red lips.
"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Count Dracula"...

I had a great half term. I hope everyone else did too.

Amy x

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green and everybody,
I've had a really great and exciting half term. I hope you all have. I can't wait to read the rest of the book. It is getting really exciting. I am really enjoying it. I will make sure I have my P.E kit in each day. I can't wait until the soak netball!
I think the Sleeping Beauty PLan will work but I'm not sure using sleepong powder was a very good idea. I agree with Becky that there will be more Game Keepers on the look as it is the big day.

The tall figure stood in the doorway. A dark shadow watched me as I causiously walked towards him. Someone or Something was after me. I started to panic. Should I run? Should I screem? What's the point nobody would hear me. Fear shivered through my body. My palm of my hands were sweating. A tear rolled down my pasty, white cheak. I was so scared...

Emily x

Anonymous said...

I've had a lovely holiday.Did you have a nice holiday Mrs Green?
I think the plan will work but if there are game keepers like Becky said Danny and his dad could be stuck and what will happen if there is more traps?Will Danny and his dad get caught?

The tall figure stood in the doorway as still and quiet as a stone. As I moved cautiously towards him his eyes followed me."Who are you?" I asked. "I am charlie and I don't like little children but they're very tasty"he said and at that minute before I could stop it everything went black and i drifted into a deep sleep...


Anonymous said...

The tall figure stood in the doorway.He wore a dark red cloak draped around his shoulders and he had hair the coular of blood and looked like a ghostly figure...

I had a great half term I went see Isobel and Oliver H-E. what did you do this half term?
See all of you an Monday.

Jasmine xxx

Anonymous said...

The tall figure stood in the doorway.Dirty,brown hair fell all the way to his neck,his beady,pale blue eyes that when you looked at them you could only shiver."Get out the way,"he said in a fierce,growling voice.Timothy didn't move but then as quick as a flash the man lunged.Luckily Timothy ducked,just as the swipe went over his head.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green,
I have really enjoyed the first day back. I really enjoyed making our drawings of our go- karts. i can't wait for tomorrow we start making our go- karts.

This is my second sentence:
The tall figure stood in the doorway. I didn't dare move. I just stood there staring and the tall, dark man. At leats that is what I thonk it was. He wore and dark, red cloak and pearl, white gloves. What was it doing with gloves on? My feet brought me forward step by step. Was I to run? Or was I to Scream? I didn't know what to do. My heart was pounding fast than a cheater running. I was petrified...

Emily x

Anonymous said...

The tall figure stood in the doorway.Hiding behind the table, the figure slowly stepped onto the creaking floor board.The figure came closer towards me.He had grey hair, blue eyes that twinkled as the moon shone through the window and he wore a cloak as black as coal.I slowly crept from around the table towards the door.The figure sharply turned his head and dashed towards me.I started screaming and jumped out the open window...


Anonymous said...

I think the plan will work because if just one tabblet will make a fully grown man full a sleep then just a quarter will make a little bird go to sleep. Can't wait unn
til we read the rest of the book.


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone ,
The tall figure stood in the door way.Hiding behind the sofa I ran up stairs to hide, I could hear it step on the old creaked floor it was coming up stairs I peeped round the door to have a peak I could see the figure wearing a dark cloak around hime but his face was hidden away in the cloak.I saw that he wasn't wearing both shoes on he had one black boot covered in thick mud and the other there was nothing I needed to do something but what .....

Frankie xx

Anonymous said...

The tall figure stood in the doorway.A dark black hood was over his face,attached to a cloak so dark he was almost invisible at night.The silence was deathly.As he walked past I saw the long black leather case strapped to his back.The moonlight caught the top of the case and I saw something gleaming silver.I thought I knew exactly wht that was.He turned round as quick as a flash.Phew! The figure looked past my hiding place.To my relief he had finished searching for me.I caught one more glimpse of him.I saw his shining black boots, and then, as fast as he came, he was gone.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I forgot by Tom

Anonymous said...

The tall black ghostly figure sood in the misty door way waiting for me to move. He stepped to the left then into the living room where I was sitting. I could hear his deep breathing at the top of my head. Uhhhh uuuuhhhhhhhh it goes. I move causally down to the floor. Then I hear the movement of the ghostly figure he started to move my way. Then the curtains started to move he was looking into the shimmering moonlight. He was wearing a long black cloak . He turned his head to the side. I looked into his glimmering shiny brunette eyes they were like a...... I don't know how to describe it ,it was amazing wonderful sight it was like a bumble bee on the tip of the petal. He only turned his head to the side for a second but to me it felt like hours and hours...

Mrs green THANK YOU! I am really enjoying making our go-karts.

Love from Lydia xxx

Anonymous said...

The tall figure stood in the door way, eyes looking dead straight ahead at me like a tiger about to prounce on his prey. The suddenly the dusk silueot started moving a slow informal gait towards me I ran and I ran. For a moment I looked behind, it wasn't there. I bowed my head like a monk praying in church then I looked up only to see the figure I dreaded looking down at me like a colossal giant. I started running again the figure slipped his hand onto the back of my neck. I pulled through but it took my scarf. I kept on running, a sweat coming down my brow the suddenly "POW!" The last thing I can remember is the mysterious figure. I still can't say why he came after me, I still don't know if he still is...

Wow I think I got a bit carried away on that.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green and everyone
the area and perimeter work is really getting on for me and pronouns is log in my brain to prove it these are pronouns: I, my, his, her and so on so thank you I have really remember pronouns so well

From Joel :)

Anonymous said...

The tall figure stood in the doorway.Then all of a sudden he lifted up his long navy blue hood upon his clock.His face was all wrinkly, his eyes were droopy and his nose had wart on the tip it.He looked like he had been pull through a hedge backwards.

by Sarah

Anonymous said...

The tall figure stood in the doorway. All i could see was the shot gun going up and up and up some more utile it was aimed right at my face. Bang a bullet whizzed past my ear scaring me with the power. then i saw him for the first time in the distance he came towards me. He was wearing a peeked cap covering his face it was dark blue with a gold liner across the rim, he slowly lifted it up so i could see his face. Dark green eyes were the most distinctive in the moon light of the corridor blood shot and dangerous. But that is all i saw before i found my self with thick lip and dazed on the floor.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The tall figure stood in the door way. Ahead of him was the door of doom. There were crooked roofs, smashed windows. I didn't dare move I stood in silence. Suddenly the door creaked open. it was the grizzly reaper

From Josh

Anonymous said...

The tall figure stood in the doorway he could see a head of him a tall slim mean teacher he was so nervous
That he didnt even speak

By cameron

Anonymous said...

Danny,s plan did work. Danny and
William caught 120 phesents

Anonymous said...

I nervously crept towards the door.Then the door creaked open.A tall figure stood before me...

by Charlotte

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to come online to say hi to everyone x

From Heather Wilson

Mrs. Green said...

Hello Heather
How are you getting on?