Sunday, March 9, 2014

Week 9: Pheasant Phenomena

This week you will be continuing to be news reporters to update your readers with the strange happenings at the Filling Station.
We have another busy week ahead with some children doing Cross Country at Copthill on Monday afternoon. Tuesday is Science Day- packed with fun experiments and activities. After school on Wednesday there will be football and netball games against Castor (at Barnack). Soke Football and Netball games are at AMVC on Thursday afternoon so a real sporting week!
Imagine you are the news reporter interviewing one of the onlookers at the filling station. What would you write in your report? Would you use direct or reported speech?

Mr Victor Hazell was horrified at the sight. "But they are my pheasants," he shouted, "and they have ruined  my beautiful Rolls Royce!"
Mr Victor Hazell was horrified at the sight. He said that they were his pheasants and that they had  ruined his beautiful Rolls Royce.
Enjoy some photos from last week...


Anonymous said...

Last week was amazing I loved pancake day and I love world book day I thought there was some good costumes,
Also I can not wait for the netball tale meant as I am going aswell as others. On Saturday I asked my mum to get me a Danny champion of the world book as I love it so much it is defanatly in my top 10

Love Lydia

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,
You would use reported speech because it's in the past tense.I can't wait for the week to come it's going to be very exciting. I enjoyed looking at the photos they were really nice to look at. I've enjoyed the beautiful sun because I don't know what the weather forecast is for tomorrow me,my mum and my dad did some gardening it went really well.
I hope you had a very nice weekend.

Briony x

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Green and everybody,
I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend;it has been lovely weather this weekend. I'm really looking forward to Science day on Tuesday. I'm also looking forward to the match against Castor and soke netball.

You need to include a detailed introduction to tell you Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? (The five W's.) You would use reported speech like a quote.

I hope you had a exciting weekend with Jeremy Mrs Green and have lots of pictures to show us.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green,
It was a really hot weekend. I really enjoyed Sunday weather. I can't wait for the match against Castor school and also the soke netball.

Like Emily said you need to include a detailed introduction and the 5 w's also it would need to be in chronological order too. And have a Headline especially.

Also it is another busy week this week.


Anonymous said...

Hello I had an amazing week so far. I can't wait to see what's coming up for the rest of the week and up until Easter. The second sentence is correct as you need to use reported speech because you are telling the audience what has been going on.


Anonymous said...

Last week was so fun! pan cake was really good and so was world book day everyones costume was amazing. Also so i hope the netball and football teams will win on Wednesday Thursday and next Thursday.Sciens day was really fun to we go to do loads of different ativetes.


Anonymous said...

Hello again,

I can't believe the Barnack netball team won against castor school our score was
15-6 we got the fifteen and they got the six me and Emily was the ones that got them in.


Anonymous said...

Hi its me ... agin

Its great how we won aginst castor like becky said but was sad that i hurt my fingers and that i couldnt go to the netball torlament for soke on thursday!
Im glad that the netballers that went to soke came 3rd place

Snd it is sad that your retireing i am going to miss you and the others wen it comes to year 6 levers !

Lydia xxxx