Sunday, April 27, 2014

Week 2: Where in the world would you like to travel?

If you could go anywhere, where in the world would you like to travel? Why? What would you take with you?

Please remember to have your PE kit and trainers in school every day so that we can prepare for the May Day assembly on Friday (weather permitting).
Thank you to those children who researched information on the patron saint of Scotland and added comments to the Blog. Don't forget to come and collect your Reward Point from me.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green,
I will make sure I have my p.e kit in and collect my reward point.

If I could go anywhere I'd go to Australia because it is relly hot and it would be a great experience. I've also heard great things about it and I would visit some of family that lives there.

Emily x

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green,
The weather on Friday is ment to be sunny but cloudy.

I would go Cyprus because it is hot and I would really like to enjoy how they get to places what do they eat and it would be fun to experience the whole thing. Also it would be a nice holiday


Anonymous said...

Hello mrs green
I would go to tossa de mar I've been there before but it was great and hot and in tossa I would sleep in a house if I lived there and I would go in the grand beiha because it was a wonderful experience


Mrs. Green said...

Some interesting places that you would like to visit...
Can I remind you to punctuate your sentences accurately. Proper nouns, that is names of people and places, also need a capital letter!

Anonymous said...

I would like to go to a county with a good backround with a lot of interesting history or a place with a small population so I wouldn't get deserved


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green,
I can't wait for the practice for May day tomorrow.

I would go America because it is really hot and I would like to visit Disney land. Also it would be a experience like Becky and Emily said.


Anonymous said...

I would like to go to the rainforest becoues they have loads of animals like monkey's wich would be awesome becoues I love baby monkeys also be course it's nice and hot. It would have nice swimming pools and sunloudges just out side it.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green.If I could go anywhere in the world I would go to Canada because I like the idea of all the forests and trees. I would also like to go to Canada because I would like to see the different types of animals that live there.

Amy Xxx

Anonymous said...

If i could go anywhere it would have to be the Indonision islands because of the experience and perfect weather.As well as that the houses are amazing.There are also many different animals.


Anonymous said...

I would go to Borneo in Asia. The sea is warm and it is tropical. It's also got coral reefs and rainforests.


Anonymous said...

I would also love to go to Borneo as there is a orang-utan sanitary attached to a hotel and at the hotel you can go and have breakfast and play around with them.I like the sound of that and it must be a amazing experience .I would love to go to Brazil for all the carnivals as they are all colourful with loud music , lots of dancing and massive floats and rides.There are also many other places I want to go to but they are my favourites.
