Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What a brilliant afternoon!

Once upon a time some children visited Walcot Estate. Their very own game keeper, Jack, showed them around and some kind ladies helped with the transport. The afternoon ended with an expedition

 into the unknown....the unforgettable swamp....
A huge thank you to everyone who helped us have such an exciting afternoon!


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Green,
I really enjoyed the interviews today. I really enjoyed Walcot visit and it was really fun! I think the pictures look great.
See you tomorrow.
Emily xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green,
It was so fun yesterday at Walcot farm. I would give it 10 out of 10 because I liked it when we went through the swamp and also I enjoyed listening to what he had to say and how he did things to help the animals and the farm. I hope the interviews went well. The pictures that Mrs Humphreys took were really good but it was so so so funny when she fell into the mud:)


Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone,
I agree it was a really great afternoon. It was funny when I fell in the swamp I thought my welly was going to disappear.
I think we were so lucky to have had such a special visit.
Mrs Humphreys

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone ,

I had so much fun the swamp was realy muddy and I got stuck twice. I pt was funny when Mrs Humphreys got stuck. I think 10 out of 10 aswell it was so fascinating. I enjoyed the big cage were the pheasents stay, It was a shame we didn't see any though.

Frankie xxx

Anonymous said...

I loved going to Walcot especially in the swamp.
I really enjoyed it so much it was so fun.

Jasmine xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi mrs green
It was really good at wolcot i got greeat awnsers it wss gunny wheen mrs humphreys wellie got stuck!

Lydia hope your enjoing cuddles with jeremy !

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone.
I really enjoyed Walcot estate visit.Are you having a nice time with Jeremy ? I had an amazing time at Jersey,My parents rented us a beach house and we all got our own room(finally!) The flying part wasn't to bad, i liked seeing everything from a height. I have something to show you at the beginning of term.
I hoppe you're all enjoying you break.


Anonymous said...

I loved it so mutch it was funny when Tom lost his wellie .

Hope you are all having a nice holiday

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Green
Hope everyone had a lovely Easter. Looking forward to the new term.