Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Half Term Haiku Homework

Add your haiku poems to our Blog. Can we work out what the poems are about? Do they follow the correct syllabic pattern?


Anonymous said...

My haikus

Bright eyes and wet nose
Smooth coat, stroke only one way
Tongue lolling, out of mouth.

Gnarled body, green cloak
Secret hiding place for kings
And Squirrel Nutkin.

I felt myself fall
Sudden dark fell around me
Down and down I went.

Broad black and white stripes
Grazing on Africa's plains
Jet black tapping feet

Blowing strong and free
Spiral, spiral, down and down
Eye of hurricane.


Anonymous said...

Hello Everyone,
I've got the answer to the puzzle of how many coffees has Mrs Humphreys drank during her life.
You do how many days in a year which and round that to 360 and then times that by 6 beacuse she has 6 a day which is 2160 and then times that by 36 (because thats how long Mrs Humphreys has been drinking coffee) and then the answer comes to 77,760. So round that to 78,000!

During her life Mrs Humphreys has had 78,000 cups of coffee!

For Amys Haiku are the answers
1) A horse or a dog maybe
2)I'm not sure on that one.
3)I'm not sure either.
4)A zebra
5)A twister of some sort

I have got two Haikus:

Proudly striding out
Curling tongue and huge tall neck
reaches up to trees.

Plodding in the sand
With their huge humps on their backs
And their munching mouth.

For the coffe question I'm not sure I might be wrong but looking at Sam's answer I think he put 1160 instead of 2160 giving him the wrong answer. But I'm not sure Mrs Green so you will have to check.

Also I am really enjoying doing our paining work with the sea and the sunset in art.


Mrs. Green said...

Brilliant work girls!
Emily, your estimation of the Maths problem looks very reasonable to me- perhaps Sam needs to check his work?
Don't forget to collect your reward points!

PS What is the plural of haiku?

Anonymous said...

My Haiku poem:

Can have milk in side it
Fluffy coat, only has it for the winter
Black boldging eyes.

Emily's and Amy's poems are really good I think.

I think the picture of the sea is getting better every time we start adding little effects on to it.


Mrs. Green said...

Some interesting vocabulary Becky. Think about the number of syllables needed in each line...

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone the poems are great so far I've got some too.

Flying round and round
Beady eyes watching for prey
Swooping down and down

Slowly plodding round
Thick,hard,green shell to hide in
Eating all the veg

Thick fur for winter
Proudly stand to guard their woods
Huge versions of dogs

And is Amy's third one overboard?


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green

This is my poem !

Spots apon it
Curly tongue to eat with
Balging eyes

Can you gess what mine is

Long body short fur
You could call it a sausage
I have one she's cute

They fall from the sky
When the sun is shining
It is beautiful

You like them one day
You absolutely hate them
Your ok with them

It twirls round and round
Your scared and frightened
Twirling and spiralling

There sugary and sweet
There bad for your teeth
Dentists say NO!

Anonymous said...

Sorry forgot to put Lydia again x

Anonymous said...


Swinging in jungles,
Eating yellow bananas,
Glistening wide eyes.

Cold weather all year,
Suddenly snow falls slowly,
Childrens happiness.

Dark green slimy skin,
Slithering accross the floor,
Skin shreads now and then.

Silky silver skin,
Doing special tricks, so smart!
All humans love me.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure Mrs Green but I think that the plural of haiku or is just haiku again but it could be haikus.

Also I think all of your haikus are amazing. I can't wait to do more of our art work, swimming and pe and music tomorrow.

Emily xx

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone

Hiuku for you!

Long tail and brown fur 5
Swinging in tall rainforests 7
Silly but friendly

By Frankie

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone

here's a Haiku

The tallest mountain
60 million years old
a dangerous climb

by Joshua

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone

Frankie? Is that a monkey?


Anonymous said...

Yes Joshua

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, here is my haiku poem.

Nine chances to live.
It always lands on its feet.
Ever so ferry.


Anonymous said...

Hi guys, here is my haiku poem.

Nine chances to live.
It always lands on its feet.
Ever so ferry.


Anonymous said...

Hi here is my haiku poems
White sharp pointy teeth
Scaring people in the sea
Speedily swimming

Eight long slimy legs
Its favourite food is crabs
Squirts out ink when scared

Hairy long thick legs
It makes silky silver webs
Likes to eat insects


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone love your haikus is your one ...
Amy dog
Amy not sure
Amy kensukis kingdom Michael falling out of the boat ?
Amy twister tornado
Emily giraffe
Emily camel
Becky cow
Roma some sort of bird
Roma turtle
Rome not sure
Briony monkey
Briony winter
Briony snake
Briony dog
Frankie monkey
Joshua mountin climate
Sam yeti?
Tom shark
Tom octopus
Tom spider
I hope I got most of them right

Lydia xxx

Anonymous said...

No Lydia


Anonymous said...

She has got most of them Becky.

Anonymous said...

I was just saying she has got mine wrong

Anonymous said...

Oh sorry.

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody, hope everyone is having a fun time. My dad took me Niamh and Maisie to butlins it was really fun but wet.
My haiku:

Some small some masive 5
Fast under water craeture 7
Watch out their dandrous! 5

Who can gess my animal.
Oh and Mrs Green have you been seeing Gemery.


Anonymous said...

Lydia is your fith one a tornado or huricane and is your last one sweets.


Anonymous said...

Tom is your first one a shark is your second one a octupus and is your last one a spider.


Anonymous said...

Emily is your first one a Graff and is your second one a camle.


Anonymous said...

Becky is your haiku a cow.


Anonymous said...

No Cows don't have wooly hair for the winter


Anonymous said...

Feathered peak Scales claws
Peaking dirt and laying eggs
Scrabled poached or fried


Anonymous said...

Hello every one.

only today and sunday left of holiday until we're back to school. The only bad thing about the hlioday is the weather it has mostly been raining but i had a nice time hope everyone else did to. Also the sea pictures are really good just hope everyones will come out great.


Anonymous said...

hi every one

can't wait until monday because it is priamry day foe the kids who are going to amvc! so excited!


Mrs. Green said...

I'm pleased that you are all having a great half term break- so am I!
Isobel, the AMVC taster day is on Wed 2nd July so just a month to wait...

Anonymous said...

My Haiku:
Large white Arctic creature
Eats fish and can kill beluga whale
communicates by making hissing sounds

Suddenly I fell Down,Down
I saw black water everywhere
I thought where am I?

Strong winds all around
Icy cold water colder than snow flacks
Freezing,ice all around


Anonymous said...

My haiku

It can twist and turn
Causes total destruction
Destroying land.

Josh N

Anonymous said...

Stormy winds swirling.
Livting and tuging buildings.
Torn into pieces.

By Alex.J.Hanford

Anonymous said...

my haiku

Furry ears,soft tail
Always fussing up to me
When it is food time

from Charlotte Foster

Anonymous said...

The Dessert is hot
With a big sun in the sky
Orange everywhere

From Joel

Anonymous said...

Cars are dangerous.
Stay away from them in case.
Stay away from cars.


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone
The answers to my haiku are
Oak tree
I forgot to put my answer to Mrs Humphreys' coffee conundrum
78,904 in 36 yrs allowing for leap years.
Amy x