Monday, May 5, 2014

Week 3: Extreme weather conditions

The May Day assembly went really well on Friday and it was so nice to see Leoni and her family back for a visit. I will upload some photos when I get back to school. I hope you have all enjoyed the sunshine this weekend for the May Day Bank Holiday.
It's back to school tomorrow with only 4 days left until the SATs next week so there will be lots of revision this week!
There will be a Gold Child assembly on Thursday and swimming sessions start on Friday.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green
Oh no sats in 4 days hope I do well and hope the others do
I really enjoyed seeing leoni and Gulia and the maypole went good but me ,harry ,Emily and frankie stumbled abit but went good.
It was nice to have one more day off from school a nice layin today and one more day you get to play and cuddle Jeremy if you saw him this weekend and today

Love from Lydia xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green,
I had a nice hot weekend and it was nice to see leoni and the rest of her family.

I can't wait for swimming on Friday. Also May Day went very well I thought. I wonder who golden child this week.

Are we doing P.E tomorrow?

From Beckyxx

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,
It was nice to see leoni and her family I had a great weekend. I can't wait until swimming at deeping I swim 6 times a week. 4 more days until sats hopefully i will do good or not.


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,

May day was so fun I loved sitting at the front I had a much better view.I think we all looked great.It was nice seeing Leoni and her family. This weekend was so fun as well.sats is next week I think I will do okay , I'm actually quite excited.


Anonymous said...

Good morning! Glad your May Day assembly and dancing went well. It's a shame I missed it. Try not to worry about the SATS, they are just the same as you have been doing in class. Just think, and apply what you know, carefully and accurately!
Miss Rice

Anonymous said...

That's a very good point miss Rice it is just the same
