Sunday, May 18, 2014

Week 5: Walk to School Week

It is the final week before half term and we will be considering the advantages of walking to school. What do you think are the advantages of walking to school?
Please remember your PE kit each day so we can take every opportunity to go outside (weather permitting) and practise for Sports' Day.
This week I will also need a group of children to help with the teacher interviews on Thursday.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Green,
If you live close enough to school I think you should,if you can, walk to school. The advantages of doing this are:
Walking gives you fresh air and exercise and allows you to see the beauty of the changing seasons.
Keeps you fit
Means fewer cars on the road
Less pollution
More space in the school car park for those who have to travel by car.
You can meet up with friends and walk together.

Looking forward to reading more of Kensuke's Kingdom this week.
Hope everyone had a great weekend in the sunny weather.

Anonymous said...

Hi forgot to say as a house captain,I'm really looking forward to sports day. I would really like to help with the teacher interviews too.


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Green,
I hope you enjoyed a sunny weekend with Jeremry. I think that it is good to walk to school because:
It is a healthy way to get to school.
It also may keep you fit and.
It will wake you up before the school day begins.
You may catch up with your friends and then you can walk with them to school.
The fresh air around you.

I'm really looking forward to sports day and would really enjoy doing the treacher interviews this week.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green,
I think it is good to walk to school because:
Keeps you fit
Find out more when you walk
It is nice to walk and get some fresh air.
Less cars on the road and the more safer to walk.
It is good to walk, bike or scooter if you live near.
More space in the school car park.
Also it would wake you up in the mornings for the beginning of school.
You can catch up with your friends and talk before school starts.

I am really looking forward to sports day and I enjoyed special time and high jump today it was fun. We should do it often.


Anonymous said...

Hello mrs green
I think it's good to walk to school as....

Less pulsation
Less cars on the road
Less collisions
Keeps people and us fit
You find that time flys and the flowers bloom a quicker than you think
Also if you find walking boring you can bike or scooter but at our age we should be able to walk for a week at least but it it is ok if you live far away .
More space for the school car park.
You can catch your friends on they way to school before it starts
Less cars on the road safe to walk
Wake you up before you get to school
Good to get some fresh air

I enjoyed the practice of high jump and carnt wait till sports day also I found this poem about walking to school

In autumn, I descended from Hillside Avenue
down Evergreen lined then from sidewalk
to the curb with maples. I, not an especially
triumphant boy, walked in triumph through
a processional of torches – fiery yellows,
shiny oranges, fierce reds – all lit up for me.

When the rains came, heavy leaves fell,
and my path was lined with gold like the streets
of heaven, but soggy. Home owners who didn’t
sweep, possessed a sidewalk abstract etched
by leaf

By Nil's Peterson

Anonymous said...

Sorry I forgot to put Lydia xxx

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone,
I'm realy looking forward to swimming and sports day

I think it's good to walk to school becoues.....

Keeps you healthy and fit
Less pollution wakes you up in. The morning
Get fresh air
You can talk to your friends in the morning
It's fun
Less cars on the road
More spaces for cars at the car park

Anonymous said...

Sorry i meant to put Frankie

Anonymous said...

Hi I've got the answer to the maths problem. So 6 cups a day times 360 days in a year = 1160 cups a year times 36 years of drinking coffee =41760 rounded up to 42000 cups.

So the answer to the question is 42000 cups!

Sam Garner

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone

Hiuku for you!

Long tail and brown fur 5
Swinging in tall rainforests 7
Silly but friendly

By Frankie

Anonymous said...

What am I