Sunday, June 1, 2014

Week 6: Man Overboard!

Welcome back for your final half term at Barnack School!
Thank you for all your half term haiku- there are just one or two missing?
This week is a very sporting week with Cricket Coaching on Monday and Tuesday afternoons and then the build up to Sports' Day on Thursday (weather permitting!)
Hopefully Deeping Pool is now 'sorted' so we will finish the week with swimming on Friday morning.


Anonymous said...

hello every one on ly one more day until we'err back at school. monday all the kids who are going to amvc will be go fo their primary day i am so excited. Mrs Green have youn been seeing gemery through the holidays.


Mrs. Green said...

Isobel, yes I have seen Jeremy and I will tell you all about it...
Primary Day is not until 2nd July, I think you have got that muddled?

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
Just wanted to let you know that the deeping pool was open all week becoues I swam there.
I had the best weekend ever me and Archie were having a watertight then about 30more peole joined in we called it the village water fight.
I hope everyone had a good break.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I meant Frankie

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green and everybody,
I had a really good half trem as it was my birthdya. I'm really looking forward to the cricket later on. Hopefu;lly the weather will pick up a bit. I'm looking forward to swimming and Sports' day. See you all in about an hour.
Emily xx

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone

I had a really good holiday because we went to Butlins. Also the sea pictures are really good i think everyones picture will end up really good if they don't give up half way through.


p.s the picture of Gemery was so cute and funny I think he groun alot.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I forgot the cricket was really good and everyone joined in proply.


Anonymous said...

Hello everyone and Mrs Green,
I had a really fun half term I went to Whicksteed park on Friday. It was fun doing cricket today. Hope the weather stays sunny for sports day.


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone and Mrs green.

Today the bridg biulding didn't go well at first but Mrs Jones class thourght it was good, I think it will be alright on sports day. Speaking of sports day lets hope it will be a nice day not wet and cold. Also the reports went well just i don't know if the people who didn't read it out is good or not but i think everyones will be good.

p.s. Not long until we all go to secondrey but not just that Mrs Green will be leaving to. So we all are leaving Mrs Humphrys by herself.

Anonymous said...

Hello mrs green
Well done well and as they won on sports day wich was fun .
Also I liked doing cricket and sports day
Lydia x