Sunday, July 13, 2014

Week 12: Goodbye Barnack!

Final week of term and a final goodbye to Barnack school!
Let's make this a special week, full of good memories...
Please remember your PE kits and also your instruments if you would like to play for us in the end of term assembly.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green,
It seems that I'm always first to put a comment on but oh we'll. On Friday I went on a night hike and camped over untill Saturday then I went to jasmines leaving party, after that I had a swimming competition. On Sunday I went to harry potter world and then got home.
I had a busy weekend, I'm going to miss barnack all the fun things we did here.

But times go's and I guess we have to say good bye untill next time

Frankie x

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green,
Last comment on the blog.
I really sad to leave Barnack.
I really want the last week of the year to be fun and exciting.
I really enjoyed the rounders session today, it was really fun.

Emily x

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green,
I will miss Barnack a lot but I will keep on coming back because my two brothers will still be there. I've got a busy weekend ahead of me. Like Emily said our last comment on the blog. It will be very sad Friday but can't wait until the signing in the bibles and my top!!!!

Hopefully we will all stay in touch.

Becky x

Anonymous said...

Goodbye Year 6s, I will miss you all - you have been a pleasure to help and support in class. Good luck with your new ventures and new schools. Work hard, play hard, be safe and enjoy yourself!
Have a nice long holiday Mrs Green, and we will see you at school in your new role very soon.
Miss Rice x

Anonymous said...

Hello its abit late to put a comment up but i had a wonderful time and barnack and took aload of good puctures xxx The assembily was great and having a good time even though i got told of already! I MISS YOu All

Love lydia x