Sunday, June 10, 2012

Week 8:Ancient Greek scholars

Hello everyone! I hope you have had a fantastic half- term break and are ready for our final 6 weeks of this school year.
The diary is packed with exciting and interesting things to do- Church Schools' Day is on Tuesday at Peterborough Cathedral, Cricket coaching is on Wednesday to pick the teams for the Kwik Cricket Tournaments and SRE sessions also start this week.
Does anyone recognise this famous ancient Greek scholar? What was he famous for?   


Anonymous said...

Is the picture Pithagoras?
I think he knew alot about mathematics.


Anonymous said...

It's Pythagoras I saw it on Wikipedia today.

Callum W

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed SRE on Wednesday.
xXx Annie xXx

Anonymous said...

I learnt lots of things from SRE that i didn't know of before

Anonymous said...

Mrs Green, you know when you asked "where are the women scholars?"Well I found that Hypatia was a female scholar. She was very good at mathematics also a philosopher and a astronomer.


Anonymous said...

I learnt alot at SRE and enjoyed it. Im really looking forward to kwik cricket tournament.

Anonymous said...

Im very pleased that Im in the cricket team!

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry that I couldn't make the cricket team guys!!

Elise x

Anonymous said...

Can someone help me on my HW I kind of wrote to little info in my planner for me to understand it. Sorry.

Elise x

Anonymous said...

Only the poem thingy.

Elise x

Anonymous said...

Hi sorry iv'e not been on the blog because iv'e forgotten about it.
Iv'e just reliezed that iv'e not been doing it receantly.
Maybe tommorow i'll go on the blog