Friday, October 19, 2012

Week 8: Harvest Celebrations

Thank you to all the Year 6 children who acted as tour guides for our visitors to school on Thursday. I had very good reports on both your enthusiasm and behaviour- well done!
 This week our harvest celebrations start with the Harvest service in Church on Tuesday morning. Please remember to bring a coat in case of cold/ wet weather.
Wednesday is non-uniform 'Wear your Wellies ' to school day for a donation to the Farm Africa charity. Hopefully we will go outside for a Welly Wanging competition during the afternoon.
On Thursday the Year 6 children have been invited to Burghley House for a Victorian day.
After the Harvest assembly in school on Friday welly biscuits will be on sale for 20p, and we will round the week off with a Reward Time class disco on Friday morning.


Anonymous said...

This week sounds very busy but good. Im looking forward to it.

Anonymous said...

Hello Everyone,
I just wanted to see if you are all enjoying it in Mrs Greens class.
I am on my second week of my school holidays.
Ok then I hope to see you all very soon.
Missing you all.
xx From xx
xxxxx Sammi Turner xxxxx

Anonymous said...

Hi,can you ask Mr wainwriat if this is the anser to the riddle: air and mum thinks: time

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to the huger boot i am going to wear something and bring a donation in i can not wait

Anonymous said...

Mrs green, will the disco be in school uniform or can we bring in clothes from home? Also I am looking forward to the rest of the week, I hope that tomorrow will be more suitable weather for welly wanging. I am really looking forward to the assembly on Friday, hope we get it right next time we practice it through.Speak Up Guys!
From Annie xx

Anonymous said...

Hi guys!
Its me!! I just wanted to check how everyones going. I'm having an amzaing time at deeping I'm the most popular girl in year seven! I got like 50 awaereds so far haha and loads of merits!!! Yeh so I really enjoy this school. If you ever want to get In touch you can leave. A mesage on my skype :) xx glitterballl2000 better go love you all miss you all
Lots of love lucy xxxxxxxx <3

Anonymous said...

Hi mrs greens class and Lucy it's jack. How is deeping. I'm having a great time at bgs. Glad it's half term. I'm going to Suffolk.


Anonymous said...

Hello everybody hope everyone is enjoying half term. I'm in Germany and it snowed! Now we have flown to Berlin, it's so cool.


Anonymous said...

looks like everyone is having a great time.Im having a really good time aswell although my mum is ill.
Looks like Katie is the first to see snow this year!I hope it will snow here.

Anonymous said...

To Rose,I hope your mum gets well soon,we just went to see an Opera called Madama Butterfly it was really good but it went on a little bit to late so I was very tired.We are going to the zoo today;hopefully it doesn't rain.
I cant wait to see you back at school.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like your having a really good time Katie. I have never heard of the oprea you named.See you back at school.

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone!
I hope everything is going well, it sounds quite exciting.
Miss you!
Fleur x