Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Victorian Dance

Please click on our Victorian Dance video above.  We were inspired by the Industrial Revolution from the Olympics Opening Ceremony.  Look at our brilliant impressions of Isambard Kingdom Brunel.  We hope you enjoy Mrs. Green!
Well done in Maths today too.  Who can define what parallel and perpendicular lines are?  What is the odd one out and why from:  42,  24,  63?
Mr. Wainwright


Anonymous said...

63 because it is the only multiple of 9

Mrs. Green said...

Well done with the dance everyone- you were brilliant! It all came together really well. Did you manage to get Mr Wainwright joining in too?
I'd love to be with you but I've been told that I have to rest my ankle so that it mends quickly and I can get back to you next week. I'm struggling with the crutches too- Billy I need some advice?
Keep working hard and I will see you very soon.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Green i hope your ankle is starting to get better. We all miss you at school aspectally me and leoni and Emily we hope you get back soon. Yes Mr Wainwright did join in with are little dance i liked doing the dance. Try and rest your ankle so you can come back to see us all where missing you.....


From Becky

Mr. Wainwright said...

Hello Mrs. Green. Your class did you proud. I really enjoyed teaching them today. Hope you are doing as the hospital said. Missing you!

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
Its good to hear from you Mrs Green. I hope to see you next week.
P.S Cant wait till the christmas play...

Anonymous said...

Hello Mrs Green, we are all missing you very much. Hopefully you will get better soon. We have been practising the play and lots of people took part in singing!

Anonymous said...

63 could be the odd one out because if you calculate 40x2 (42) which is 80 and if you calculate 20x4 (24) it is also comes to 80 but if you do 60x3 (63) it equals 180. Therefore, I think that 63 is the odd number out.

Anonymous said...

I cant belive that i got Annie in the play, I thought i was going to get a rell bapart. I mean bad as in no songs and not very many lines but i got tollay the opposite.

Anonymous said...

I think the odd one out is 63 beacuse it cant be halved into two equal groups. 63 isnt a muliple of six but 42 and 24 are.

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Green pleas pleas pleas com back we miss you.chrismas play is hear and soo are the parts I got Dorafy cool.Hope you com back soon.The leson with Mr Wainwright was good but we all want you back.I beleve you will come on Monday.


Anonymous said...

63 because 42 and 24 are multiples of 6.
Parallel lines are lines that go in the same direction and never meet.
Perpendicular lines are lines that always meet at a right angle.