Sunday, November 11, 2012

Week 10: Helping the Poor and Homeless

This week we will be learning about the dreadful living conditions for the poor and homeless in Victorian times.
Parents' Evenings are on Monday and Tuesday evenings. On Wednesday a group of Y6 children will be attending a Technology day at Arthur Mellows Village College and the netballers will be playing against Peterborough High School during the afternoon. Thursday is our visit to see Horrible Histories- Vile Victorians in Nottingham- please remember to return your permission slips.
For a small donation you can come to school 'wearing spots' on Children in Need day on Friday.
I have been really impressed with your talks so far- well done! What interesting information have you learnt from the talks? Are there any questions you would like to ask anyone about their talk? 


Anonymous said...

Yhis week will be really busy. I cant wait till Thursday and im really looking forward to the Netball match.

Anonymous said...

We get to play netball on my birthday, how exciting and I cant wait to go to the Vile Victorians show on Thursday. A little late present from school!!
Annie xx

Anonymous said...

I'd like to ask Sam something, how did they go to the toilet in the cage or did they just have to hold it in all day?

Anonymous said...

I can not wait in till Thursday because we get to go and watch Horribel Histories


Anonymous said...

Yay we wone the netball mach. Carn't wate till thersday coming backlater than uswal. Sory for not being a very good bloger.


Anonymous said...

I thought that my talk went really well and I have enjoyed everyone elses too! I particulary liked Madeleine's talk because it was original and she spoke fluently and I also enjoyed Cosmo's talk because he didn't have much writing so it was easy to take in.
P.S The netball match went brilliantly and I am so happy that the maths team got through to the regional finals- looking forward to the doghnuts that Mr Wainright promised us!
