Sunday, January 27, 2013

Week 4: Leaving Home

How would you feel if you had to leave your home, to go to live in the countryside? This week we will be finding out about the 300,000 children who were evacuated on 1st September 1939.
The children got on the train.
Can you improve this sentence? Record your ideas on the Blog.

Now that the snow has disappeared, please remember you will still need your wellies if you would like to play on the field.


Anonymous said...

When the confused children got rushed onto the train,their mothers had tears gushing down their faces.

After the sad children slowly got on the train,their mothers had no time to say good bye.


Anonymous said...

As the puzzled children got rushed into the train,their parents were roaring their eyes out to notice that they lost their children.

After the upset children unhurriedly leaped on the steam train, their parents couldent say bye.


Anonymous said...

Excitedly the nosey children jumped onto the train, awaiting their adventure.
As the puzzled children got rushed into the steam train, mothers had tears streaming down their faces.

Anonymous said...

When the upset, confused children were rushed onto the planes in groups of many numbers all they could do was wave out of the window, not having a chance to say goodbye to their mothers.


Anonymous said...

When all the excited children were finally on the train, they were confused to then see their mothers teary faces gloomily looking at them.

As I clambered through all the excited children (not very excited myself) I tried to hold back the tears so my younger sister could have an adventurous journey.

Anonymous said...

When they got pushed onto the train, the upset children didn't have the chance to say goodbye to their parents.

Anonymous said...

Sadly the children were saying there goodbyes. They got on the train and started to cry tears were dripping down there faces. All the mothers and farthers were crying to. And when the train left the staition there was complete silence.


Anonymous said...

Mournfully the children were gathering onto the train. Waving out the window tears building up inside them, thinking they would never see there parents again

Anonymous said...

Sorry I forgot to leave my name Ethan.

Anonymous said...

As the confused young children plodded along the over loaded station, behind them their mothers were trying desperately to hide their tears.
Annie Xxx

Anonymous said...

The nervous children stepped towards the doors of the forbidding train.


Anonymous said...

Becky has spelt Farther wrong it is meant to be father