Sunday, March 10, 2013

Week 9: How was the end of the war celebrated?

Watch out for another busy week!
Don't forget to come to school on Monday ready for our 'Pyjama Day'- please bring a  story book to share with the younger children. During the afternoon some children will be representing the school at cross country at Copthill School.
On Tuesday we will be visiting Duxford. You will need to wear your school uniform, a warm coat and sensible walking shoes and you will need a packed lunch and a drink.
Wear something red to celebrate Red Nose Day on Friday! Miss Dawson will be leading a special Danceathon session after play and Mrs Anthony is preparing a special Red Nose Day lunch.
Practise your Tangram puzzles by clicking here.Tangram puzzles


Anonymous said...

The end of World War two was celebrated on VE day ( victory Europe day.) Hundreds of street parties were held but most of them were in London in Trafalgar square and up the mall to Buckingham Palace where crowds saw king George VI and queen Elizabeth, accompanied by Winston Churchill, appeared on the balcony before cheering crowds. Celebrations weren't just held in Britain but in places such as Moscow and New York.
I'm really looking forward to the week ahead, cross country on Saturday also went really well.

Anonymous said...

The end of the war was celebrated on 8th May 1945. Winston Churchill announced VE day( Victory Europe day.
This day marks the end of the war.As Lauren said there were many street parties especially in Trafalgar square.
It snds like a really busy week.

Anonymous said...

The end of war was celebrated on the 8th March 1945 on VE day which stands for Victory in Europe. Crowds packed the steets cheering and singing. There were street parties held all over Britain and Europe. People celebrated the end of World War two by dancing in the foundations of Trafalgar square.

The Prime Minister (Winston Churchhill) had done his duty and had ruled Brtian during the treacherous World War two. There was a election in July 1945, it was won by the Labour party. Clement Attlee became Britains new Prime Minister.

I'm really looking forward to the week ahead. I can't wait until Friday when we come to school in Red.

Anonymous said...

I have also had a go on the Tangram game

Anonymous said...

They ofen had street parties.

Anonymous said...

They celibrated by having a street party and some people brought there piano outside for music and combined there rations to create a giant cake.


Anonymous said...

The people in Great Britan celebrated by having street partys and grouping up all their rations

Anonymous said...

Britain celebrated the end of the war by having street parties, dancing, singing and bomb fires.


Anonymous said...

most people would arrange a street party, and have bands playing.They would decorate the streets with banners and bunting, with flags and symbols on them.Familys would save a little food after every meal to take to the partyand put on the table for a real feast.They would also put a little of the fatty foods they had and put them all together in the end into a big cake to go into the middle of the table.

Florrie x

Anonymous said...

Hello! Its lucy
Did a mr smith usted to teach at barnack? Because he's my drama teacher and he said u used to work there?!
Lucy x :) x

Anonymous said...

To Tom Smith,

Hello Tom iam missing you alot because you are at Scarborough and i cant sit at lunch wirh you, or play with you. I really miss you lots of love from Finn
P.S I cant wait for you to get back.

Anonymous said...

To Tom Smith,

Hi Tom how you doing I hope your having a good time a scarborough me Finn and William can't wait till you come back See you soon friend From Joel

Anonymous said...

To Josh N,

Hi josh hope your having a good time with your friends. I can't wait till you come back have a good time from Joel

Anonymous said...

To Sam,

Hi Sam I bet your having a good time at scarborough can't wait till you and Harry come back

P.S. You two are funny

have a good time Sam

from Joel

Anonymous said...

To everyone (including the teachers)

I hope you have a brilliant time at Scarborough, over here in Barnack school we are making dooks
for the little ones, oh by the way Frankie's Sunflower is winning at the moment. Goodbye
from Finnxxx