Sunday, March 24, 2013

What a busy term!

Just a few highlights of the last couple of weeks...
Happy Easter everyone!


Anonymous said...

Have really enjoyed this term and learning all about world war 2. My favourite thing that we did this term was going to Duxford!I also enjoyed learning about the diffrent dances in world war2 during PE lesson. Also I enjoyed the dance that Miss Dorsan did with us on Red Nose Day.
What a fun term and busy term!


Anonymous said...

I also can't wait until the Scarborough vist in April. There is still lots more things to look forward to.


Anonymous said...

I had a really fun time at the Duxford trip. Also learning about the ww2 dances. The most thing i enjoyed was P.E lessons and the dances it was great fun.


Anonymous said...

Oh and i forgot i can not wait for the scarborough visit i hope i get to go with the people i want in a room. It will be so much fun.


Anonymous said...

Learning about WW2 has been brilliant! My most memerable moment of this term is definately Duxford. I am really looking forward to Scarborough, I CAN'T WAIT!


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this term, especially the visit to Duxford, learning all about WW2 and getting to go on Concorde. I also liked our Palm Assembly class performance and singing in the choir in Gaelic.
I can't wait for Scarborough - hope the weather is better !

Anonymous said...

What a busy term. I have really enjoyed it though, especially Duxford and the VE day! I am looking forward to another busy term. Scarborough, SATS, swimming, May day... looks like its going to be very busy. Hopefully the weather warms up soon otherwise it will be a very cold trip to scarborough!

Anonymous said...

This term was so busy but im sure it will get much busyer next term.Weve got Scaborough, SATS, May day, Sports day and swimming coming up. I cant wait till Scarborough and May day. The Barnackle(newsletter) went really well. Enjou your holidays!

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone im really enjoying the holdiays.Hopefully you are all having lots of fun.
Rose xx

Anonymous said...

Hi everybody, I hope your all enjoying your Easter break. Hopefully you all got lots of chocolate and are having a peaceful break. See you all soon,

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone !!!
I hope you are all having a great easter holiday.
see u soon !


Anonymous said...

Hi I hope everyone is having a great easter holiday,I can't wait for Scarborough visit in April!
