Sunday, June 30, 2013

Week 11: How can we keep ourselves safe?

Year 6 children, what were the key messages that you learnt at the Safety Challenge last week? Year 5 children, add your own views and opinions....
We have a very busy week ahead of us. Y6 Transition day is on Wednesday for those children going to AMVC and Kings' schools and Friday for those children going to Bourne Grammar School. Soke Athletics and Eco Awards are on Thursday morning and swimming is on Friday morning. Please make sure that you have your PE kits in school this week and bring your sponsor money in to school as soon as it is all collected in.


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone, I think the key thing I learnt at the saftey challenge is to never give out personal details out online and that you have to be 135cm or over o you can sit without a seat in a car.

Anonymous said...

This week sounds busy but the most import thing I learnt is to always check your privacy settings for any online accounts and also how to escape a fire quickly and safely.

Anonymous said...

This week will be busy and I can wait until Wednesday! I learnt that you should always follow rules and signs because they are there for a reason.


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone, I think that one of the most important thing is that you should never speak to stranger, stranger danger. Also that you shouldn't give out personal details.
Sounds like another busy week, good luck for the years 6's when they visit there new schools.


Anonymous said...

Hi everyone AMVC was really good, never give out personal details to people you don't know and change your privacy settings on your electrical devices so only the people you know can see your posts.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys!
I had a really good time at Bourne Grammar, there were so many classrooms and I really like my form tutor. I also made lots of good friends. I hope the children from AMVC amd Kings enjoyed their day.