Sunday, July 21, 2013

End of term celebrations

The last 3 days of term are going to be very busy! The Year 6 children need to finish making their tiles for the Leavers' Tree and we will hopefully have time to finish watching all the wonderful 'Top Teacher' presentations.
On Tuesday morning KS2 children will be having a move-through session before play and we will all be going down to church for the Year 6 Leavers' Service in the afternoon.
The final assembly for this term is on Wednesday morning at 9.15- everyone is welcome.
Please remember sunhats and water bottles this week.


Anonymous said...

Sounds likes a busy week! I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend. As we saw today (Monday) the class is gettting duller and duller and we are preparing to move classroom.


Anonymous said...

I cant wait till the end of term but I know I will miss Barnack School and Mrs Green and everything. As Emily said the classroom is getting duller and duller ready to move to next door. I hope everyone will enjoy these last few days without fall outs and arguments!

Anonymous said...

It was very sad to be leaving Barnack primary school but I will get over it I'm looking forward to being at secondary school I will be a small fish in a big pond it will be scary at first but I'm shure the 'old' yr sixes will soon get used to it including me and we will all miss you Mrs Green , Mrs Travathan and Mrs Humphreys and I hope Miss Howitt has a good time teaching in her other school and thank you all for the gifts and the cake and also the sweets we hope you have a good time in September with the new yr fives and sixes!
Heather w

Anonymous said...

It was very sad to be leaving Barnack primary school but I will get over it I'm looking forward to being at secondary school I will be a small fish in a big pond it will be scary at first but I'm shure the 'old' yr sixes will soon get used to it including me and we will all miss you Mrs Green , Mrs Travathan and Mrs Humphreys and I hope Miss Howitt has a good time teaching in her other school and thank you all for the gifts and the cake and also the sweets we hope you have a good time in September with the new yr fives and sixes!
Heather w

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
Hope you are having a wonderful summer holiday and having a fun time. Only a week on Friday to go until I get a new baby brother or sister. I'm getting really excited and we are getting prepared.


Mrs. Green said...

How exciting Emily! We look forward to hearing your news... perhaps a new baby before we start back to school?

Anonymous said...

Hello everybody. Ive been back from wales a wile now and I had a ton of fun body boarding (or should i say a gallon). Cant wait to get to A.M.V.C. Thank you for the letter Mrs Green and best wishes for the new term.
Thomas Hamish

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone, I am looking forward to a new start and new friends. Thankyou very much for the letter Mrs Green and good luck in the new classroom. I am really missing Emily and Lydia already! I hope that the baby will come soon. I am pleased to say that Emily F got amazing results in the exams,and is going into Kings sixth form.Have fun in the next year!


Anonymous said...

Hey Everyone,Im having a really fun holiday and cant wait to start at Kings but I willl miss everyone at Barnack. Im glad to hear that Emily will get a brother or sister soon. Make sure you keep us updated on the blog. I hope everyone wil have a great new year!

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,
You will be pleased to know that I have a new baby sister. She was born on Friday at 10a.m and we named her Jessica.


Mrs. Green said...

How exciting Emily. What wonderful news! I can't wait to meet her...

Anonymous said...

Awwww CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! Emily.
